S-Boogie's latest tricks...

S-Boogie is now almost 2 years old and she is really growing up so fast! She isn't a baby anymore, but not quite a big person either. Mr. Fob and I were realizing the other day that soon she will be able to understand what we are talking about and we'll have to be careful not to say stuff like "masturbate" while she's listening. On the other hand, it will be nice for her to have enough language skill developed to say "I have left the milk in the bookcase near the yearbooks" instead of wandering around the house saying "nuk inside" while we try and find the sippy cup before it turns into cottage cheese. But seriously, she is a very vocal child and that seems to be her strong point at this stage of the game. She loves talking and provides a running commentary on everything we are doing, as well as commands us to do her bidding at all times. Today she was dancing in the living room and suddenly pointed to a spot on the floor and commanded "mommy, dance". I couldn't refuse, even though the blinds were open. She also said "see you" very clearly after daddy said that on his way out the door to work. Not all of her words are very clear, though: at dinner we were eating grapes and for some reason when she started to say it it came out sounding exactly like "bitch". Mr. Fob and I just looked at each other and burst out laughing, which of course encouraged her to say it again! Her other favorite thing lately is the swimming pool; the two of us went for a little while tonight without Mr. Fob since he was at work. She loves to splash in the water and will wade right in until it is up to her chin, and then she just laughs. The only great and horrible tragedy about the pool is that they have two amazing waterslides that she is still too little to go on. We have to keep her busy at all times so she won't abandon the kiddie pool and try to climb the stairs up to the big slides. Maybe in about 10 years or so she will be big enough, and hopefully by then she will not have figured out what "scary" means. It is currently a concept she doesn't have in her brain at all.


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