Countdown to Insanity

So the weather here has remained a cool, cloudy 70 degrees for the last few weeks. That should make one wonder why I am looking forward to strapping my family in a car and driving for 15 hours straight to a place in the desert where the average temperature lately is more like 95 degrees. I am actually very excited about this trip. I will probably remain excited until somewhere between Kennewick and Boise. Then I will probably want to strap the kids to the roof. The thing is, I'm vain. I'm looking forward to dancing across the stage in the Marriott Center chanting "I am so smart. S-M-R-T". Well, not really. Because the dean would promptly withdraw his endorsement of my thesis.

So, I will be in Utah for a few days next week. We are officially having a party for anyone who feels like they want to meet us and our children. The only requirement is that you bring something to eat. The party will take place in Provo on Saturday afternoon around five o'clock. I will not tell you where it is unless you email me. If you're smart enough to find my email address, you're smart enough to come to the party. However, if you're not smart enough to avoid defacing library books that means that you're not invited.


Does that mean our children are not invited?
Let me know how your trip is. We will make a similar journey ourselves in December unless the weather is too horrific.

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