To all a good night

The postal service did not deliver our anticipated package today, and the seller says she shipped it to us as soon as she could, so I found myself battling the crowds at Target to buy Little Dude a sleeping bag. It's not super cute, but it was cheap and he will love it. And now we'll have an extra kid-size sleeping bag on hand for when we need it. The yuckiness of Target on Christmas Eve was the only bad spot in an otherwise lovely day that included making gingerbread cookies with the kids and getting together with friends tonight. Tomorrow we're leaving for a few days, and even though we have to bring the computer so Mr. Fob can work, I've decided to try going offline for a few days. We'll see how that works out for me. Hope everyone has a lovely Christmas!


Kristi said…
What a pain with the eBaying experience. Have fun with your internet vacation - I always feel lost for a couple days, like I can't get along without Google and its knowledge base. Merry Christmas!

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