A Little Souvenir From California


Carina said…
Well, well, well! HA! Congratulations!
Señora H-B said…
Courtney said…
Desmama said…
Julie said…
Wouldn't it be more of a souvenir if it was BORN there?
Tyler said…
I think MADE THERE counts, too.
Emily M said…
Woohoo! Congratulations!
skyeJ said…
Does it mean this kid will look like a giant stuffed panda?
BurkeAndEmily said…
That is wonderful! Congratulations!
Tina said…
yea! congratulations!
Zillah said…
Kristi said…
KPackard said…
AHHHH!!! This is so exciting! When did you find out? I hope things go well and you feel well all throughout! Let me know if you need anything (in the next week :( ) (that looks weird). Anyway, I guess you have a use for your crib after all! Congrats!
Lindsay said…
I saw your title in my google reader before I saw any of your post, and I'm not sure why, but I had a good, strong hunch that this "little souvenir" was a new baby. How fun! Congratulations!! Hope you are feeling well, and best of luck with your move.
Anonymous said…
Oh, congratulations! I hope you're feeling well.
The Weed said…
Hey, that's awesome! Congrats, guys!
ambrosia ananas said…
Lisa said…
Cricket said…
SOOOOOO??? When can we expect a birth announcement?!!

M said…
HEY! Congrats! That's great!
Emma said…
Woo hoo!! Congrats!
Desi said…
Congrats...that's wonderful!

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