A Milestone in My Life

Shortly after we moved in to this house my parents brought up my cedar chest that I've had since high school. We've never lived in a place that's really been big enough for it, and we've moved around a lot, so they've been storing it in their house. Obviously I haven't put anything in it or even looked in it for a number of years. I had a lot of fun when I opened it up and started going through it. I found a few wonderful gems that just have to be shared. The first one comes from a journal I kept for a while when I was eleven and twelve. I've never considered myself an artist but for some reason I felt a need to add illustrations to my entries. I think they are the best part:


Tina said…
FUNNY! I love looking at old stuff.
M said…
Love it! Though I'll admit that things like this make me wonder how I'll be able to survive raising a teenage girl.
Nice bra, FoxyJ. Like a really high rise belt.
Gina said…
Earth Sign Mama said…
Something about age 11 & 12 causes the most awesome diary entries. Mine are all about my huge crush on the cute boy I met in 6th grade and all of our encounters for the next two years. (...PS: ten years later he finally noticed me and we've been married for 35 years.) I didn't include any illustrations, though. Your picture is fabulous.
Elizabeth-W said…
Got a few of those my own self.
Kristi said…
That's awesome.
Samantha said…
I love how there is no substance behind the bra--two very tiny, flat triangles. That's exactly how my first bra felt.

Looking forward to the next masterpiece. :-)

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