Ultrasound Results

We had our 'big' twenty-week ultrasound today, and to be honest it was sort of anti-climatic. I guess that's part of having three kids; with each one the newness wears off a little. The baby also wasn't moving around very much and insisted on being face-down the entire time so we also didn't get a very good look at much that was cute. We did get to measure all the important things and everything looks great. First of all, we are definitely having another girl. Mr. Fob and I both pretty excited about this; I'd been mentally preparing myself for another boy just so I wouldn't get my hopes up, and was therefore excited to realize that I'm getting what I want after all. Everything looks nice and healthy, and the placenta is at least towards the top and back of my uterus, which is a better place for it than other spots could be. Hopefully the next twenty weeks will just go smoothly and we will have a more calm and peaceful delivery this time around.


Th. said…

Good luck!

By the way, we still have an extra in the fridge if that would help at all.
Emma said…
I hope all goes well this time around. Yay for another girl!
Desmama said…
It was six years ago today that I found out I was having my first girl. She was completely asleep during the ultrasound, too. I'm happy for you guys. Congratulations!
Tina said…
Yea, a girl! Congratulations.
M said…
Congrats! I'm excited for you guys...and I'll be sending good, positive, "smooth delivery" vibes your way. :-)
Stefany said…
Congrats on a good ultrasound!
rantipoler said…
So exciting!! I'm way happy for you guys and I hope everything goes well.
ambrosia ananas said…

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