Like a box of chocolates

Yesterday morning I decided it was time for another trip to DI with Little Dude. I love thrift store shopping and have done it for years; some days it's a total bust and other days it's a gold mine. Thankfully yesterday was a good day and I got a lot of useful things: two new maternity shirts for me (warm ones, thank goodness), pants for Little Dude, a crib bumper, size 6 snow pants that are black so they can be passed down through several kids of either gender, and a bunch of books to give the kids for Christmas. I got a big pile of Magic School Bus books for S-Boogie. Personally I hate reading those out loud, but she loves them and is just starting to figure out reading on her own so I'm hoping they'll help her practice. That means our Christmas shopping is almost done since we're keeping things fairly simple this year for the sake of our budget.

One of the main reasons I went to DI yesterday was to buy myself some new pajama pants. Mine have developed a big hole in them and they aren't fitting around my belly anymore. Apparently in December the featured item at DI is pajamas because they have an amazing amount on on display now. I found some nice extra-large ones that should work for at least the next two months. They were quite cute blue flannel with stars; I took them home and washed them and then put them on right before bed last night. As I was climbing into bed with the lights off I noticed something and started laughing really hard. My new pajamas glow in the dark! Amazing what you can get for just four dollars.


Gina said…
Oh I am so with you about reading the Magic Schoolbus books. They drive me nuts. My kids love them. Oh well.
skyeJ said…
Bonus glowing pants!!!

That is a good day at DI.
Emma said…
gotta love glowing clothing :)
My kids love the Magic School Bus. I hate reading them too, there are so many side notes, and word bubbles - is that what they are called? That take forever to read!
Kristi said…
Glow in the dark PJs? That's awesome. I bet your husband was totally impressed. :)
M said…
I LOVE the idea of glow-in-the-dark pants for pregnancy. :-)

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