
I apologize for leaving the blog without a substantial post for a week. I'm realizing that being a parent during the summer actually means having less free time than normal, especially since the kids spent the last two weeks doing swimming lessons every day. My parents came to town last Wednesday night and just left this afternoon. We have spent the last few days keeping the kids up late having fun in the gorgeous summer weather and so I have had little time for posting.

One of the reasons they came this weekend was for my mom and I to attend the Segullah writing retreat yesterday. The day was lovely: good company, good food, and excellent instruction and guidance about the writing process. I've never considered myself much of a writer. I'm married to a writer and have many friends who write; my innate talent is much smaller than theirs, however. The conference gave me many great ideas and I feel energized to try other creative writing beyond blogging. I have two essay ideas tumbling around in my head right now that I hope to solidify enough to put on paper soon. I brought the baby with me, but she has apparently grown too old to sleep well in public so I had Mr. Fob stop by in the afternoon to take her home. We all survived and I particularly enjoyed the last session of the conference without any interruptions.

Then today I discovered that I have an email asking me to come interview for a position as an adjunct instructor of first-year writing for this fall. I submitted an application with the writing department because I wanted to try something different, and because writing classes meet for fewer days a week than Spanish classes. I will be interviewing this coming week and I need some time to figure out why I want to teach writing and what my philosophy is for doing it. That scares me a little. I know I have to impress them because my teaching experience is actually pretty sparse and is all in Spanish, which is an entirely different thing to teach all together. Now I'm glad I went to a writing conference so I at least I can claim that.


Kristi said…
Sounds like things are going your way lately (minus the sink thing). Good luck with the interview!
Th. said…

I wanted to swing by Segullah myself. Were there many men there?
Anonymous said…
Good luck to you with the interview!

Thanks again for being my partner with those exercises at the Segullah retreat. I think you should pursue the diaper thing! Great idea!
FoxyJ said…
Th--there was one man there. I think he had a good time. You should come next year--the workshops were great and not just female-oriented.

peculiar--it was great to work with you too and I loved your descriptions during the imagery stuff.

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