Random Thoughts

I haven't blogged for a week now. The other day I said to Mr. Fob 'why do I feel like my life is so amazingly busy right now?' Well, I had a third child, I started working part-time, and my computer is usually downstairs in the basement office where my husband is working. This is good for reducing my internet usage, but also bad because it reduces my internet usage. Plus I need to have a clear mind to blog and lately my mind is not clear very often.

Last week I had to grade 32 papers. I should have had more, but both my classes had several people flake out. That's to be expected at the school where I'm teaching, but still a little disheartening. I've had one student who managed to miss nearly half the class days this semester who has repeatedly sent me emails trying to figure out some way to avoid having to take the class again. Sorry dude, the first lesson you need to learn in college is the importance of showing up for class and doing the work.

I also went to four different Christmas programs last week. S-Boogie and Little Dude both had programs for school (pictures on the kids' blog). On Thursday night I went to a concert done by a community chorale that my neighbor recently started, and then on Saturday afternoon Mr. Fob and I went on a date to a concert that another friend was performing in. The music was all lovely and it has really helped me get into the Christmas spirit.

I've also been busy the last few days working on some homemade gifts for family. While I can understand the sentiment behind the push for handmade Christmas, it can be a lot of work and I'm not always sure it's worth it. For the last six months Little Dude has been talking about the Play-doh popcorn popper. So I bought it for him; yes, it's a $10 toy from Target, but at this age it's easy to fulfill his hopes and dreams so I might as well.

We've actually ended up getting the kids more presents this year than we usually do. The two older ones are each getting five things from us alone, and I know that they'll be getting a few things from relatives too. However, those things include a CD for each of them, a set of books, and pajamas. S-Boogie isn't even getting any toys this year; we're getting her a desk for her room. We do have a bit more money this year and it has been fun getting stuff that we know they'll really love. Next year I think we should make some kind of a budget and a plan to stick to, though. I'd like to plan on doing more for others, like a Sub for Santa or something like that.

We may not have any money left after the new year thanks to the lovely new leak in our roof. The good news is that so far the water damage is only in our garage, the bad news is that is complicated because our chimney is weird, and the really bad news is that they can't fix it until next week because of the weather and the holiday weekend. Owning a home can be great and not so great at the same time. Thankfully we can find the money, it's just that we would rather spend it on something a little more exciting.

Despite my crazy business lately I am truly excited about Christmas. My kids might have a few too many presents, but I know that each one they open will be something they will love. We may be feeling a little frazzled as we celebrate, but it's only because we have so many good things to choose from and so many fun people to do them with. Nothing wrong with that.


AmyJane said…
I think I need to find a basement to lock my computer in. One of my New Year's challenges to myself is to find a way to seriously cut down on the internet usage.

However, I think of this all the time and forget to ask you, but can I read your kid's blog? They're cute and I miss seeing pictures. I don't even have the site address anymore.

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