My Most Decadent Birthday Ever

Yesterday was my birthday, but the celebrating this year started on Saturday evening. Mr. Fob invited over some friends of ours and cooked us dinner: pasta with shrimp and some roasted vegetables. He also bought me one of my favorite birthday presents ever: a giant hunk of gourmet cheese from Costco and some crusty bread to go with it. After we let dinner settle, we played Settlers of Catan and tried some very tasty cupcakes from The Sweet Tooth Fairy (strawberry shortcake was my favorite).

Then on Sunday we had family over to celebrate both my birthday and my sister-in-law's birthday, which happen to be the same day. Mr. Fob cooked French bread and lasagna, and other family members provided even more goodies for the meal. I received some very nice presents from everyone, including flowers, chocolates, kitchen items, and a new apron.

Finally my 'real' birthday arrived yesterday morning. Mr. Fob's mother spent the night so she could babysit for us to have a breakfast date. We were all set to go try breakfast at Communal, but I didn't read the part on their website that said they didn't do breakfast on Monday. We settled for Mimi's Cafe, and the good thing was that I didn't have to eat anything else until dinner. I spent most of the day being as lazy as possible, and then last night we took the kids up to see the tulips at Thanksgiving Point before stopping by El Pollo Loco for dinner.

Oh, and yesterday morning, Mr. Fob gave me a gift: a sewing machine. I don't think any year is going to top this birthday. I know my hips are going to remember it for many more to come.


M said…
This just sounds ideal! What a great way to celebrate...or maybe, what great ways to celebrate. :-)
Desmama said…
Gorgeous flowers. What a fun birthday it sounds like it was.
rantipoler said…
Hooray for decadent birthdays! The flowers are beautiful. :)
Samantha said…
So glad you had a wonderful birthday. You deserve it. :)

P.S. My word verification is "expansup" which made me laugh when I thought of your last line--wouldn't it be nice, for people of our height, if our hips expans UP instead of OUT.
Tina said…
Oh, I missed it again. It does sound like a great birthday. Glad it was a special day for you.

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