Oh yeah, I have a blog

Remember when I actually used to talk about my life on this blog? That was fun. I've taken an unscheduled blog break for about a month or so and I think it was good to recharge. It feels a little weird to take up the reins again, but I miss blogging and I want to get back into it. Some of my personal highlights from the last little while:

We went to Hawaii for about two weeks. It's been nearly four years since we went back and it was a lovely trip. I think I spent a little too much time stressing about it being a fabulous trip and so I should have relaxed and enjoyed it more, but it was nice. I also didn't fulfill my goal of taking more pictures; part of that was the fact that I'm not great at taking pictures, and part of it was the fact that our camera starting acting weird and actually died before we came home. We also officially hate United Airlines because we ended up with major delays both coming from and going to Hawaii. I don't ever want to spend half the night sitting around an airport again. At least I got to swim with sea turtles and eat shave ice and swim at the beach and hang out with great people, so it was all worth it.

Last month I got a new job. I noticed that a local library was hiring and decided to apply for a part-time job. To my amazement, they not only interviewed me but they hired me as well. It has been a lot of fun so far but I don't know how much I can or should say on my blog about work. I love the people I work with and I still grin a little when I look at my ID card that says "librarian."

A few months ago I was at an AML event and I ran into someone I know through AML and Segullah. I mentioned that I would love to volunteer for either organization if they needed me, and she took me up on my offer. I'm now helping with the Segullah blog, and through that I also got an offer to get involved with the Whitney Awards as well. I have been a bit more busy, but I'm also proud of myself for speaking up and asking to be included. I think I spent a lot of time worrying about being 'legitimate' because I've never been a published writer or critic. I think I'm more of an 'interested observer', but I still have a lot to offer and I'm glad that I took the leap of saying "I'd like to help out" because already I feel so blessed to have these opportunities to work with great people on causes that I really believe in.

So, that is a brief overview of what has been going on in my life lately. I have had some great post ideas but I have not given myself a chance to just sit down and write them up. Life just seems to get busier and busier and I keep finding myself trying to readjust and realign priorities. I do like blogging and I want to keep it up so hopefully this won't be the only post this month.


Amira said…
I always love it when you post. And what fun to be working at the library!
Katya said…
What are you doing for the Whitneys?
C. L. Hanson said…
Congratulations!!! Librarian -- what a cool job! :D
Th. said…

Go, Foxy!
M said…
Lucky. :-) This all sounds great. And I think that your contributions will be WONDERFUL...you always impressed me in classes.

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