Oh Hai Guys

I kept waiting to post on my blog until things calmed down a little. And of course, they never did. I'm trying to convince myself that life will never just go along smoothly in any semblance of a 'normal' routine, and as I look back at the last seven years I've been writing on this blog I realize more and more that this is true. It has been harder during the last eighteen months doing this by myself; I miss having a partner to go through this with. Someone to help hold down the fort and clean up the messes, and give me a hug at the end of the day. But, I'm here and I'm doing it and most of the time I think I'm surviving all right.

December and the holidays went well from what I remember. The kids got great presents this year that they actually love and use. Buying presents is hard because I never know if the kids are going to like them or not. Some things I thought they would love have been total duds and others have worked out better than I imagined. Little Dude has been in Lego heaven ever since Christmas and P. Bibby loves her new Minnie Mouse doll I got her. We had family come visit for Christmas and it was great to see everyone.

Then on New Year's Eve Little Dude fell and broke three bones in his foot. He was downstairs in the basement with a friend and they were messing around. I feel a little bad because I was thinking about going down there to intervene and redirect them a bit, but I got lazy. Oh well, it might have happened whether I had been there or not. Accidents happen. We got to take a trip to the ER and he's been in a soft split for two weeks now without being able to put weight on it. We're all looking forward to going back to the doctor on Wednesday for a follow-up, with hopes that he can get a walking cast or boot. For right now he's spent a lot of time on the couch except for going to school and church with a wheelchair we rented. It's also been unusually cold here for the last few weeks so we've been staying in the house as much as possible. I think I'm going to be more grateful for spring this year than I have been in a long time.

And so, life goes on. Yesterday we got home from church and P.Bibby commenced having a meltdown about one thing or another for the next three hours until she went to bed (afternoon church is hard for toddlers). But then the older two got out paper and crayons and spent a long time coloring while I got dinner ready. And then no one wanted to eat dinner, even though I thought it was delicious (pork roast cooked with sweet potatoes and apples). But then we wrangled everyone into the living room and had a great FHE about family prayer and recommitted to doing it. And then I had to help Little Dude get ready for bed and by the time I got him in there he had to go to the bathroom again and I had to carry him back out. Then this morning I thought I'd let him sleep in a bit only to discover that he had a massive bloody nose all over. Poor kid couldn't even get up to get himself a tissue. Thankfully we still managed to get ourselves together and to school on time. And so on and so on and so on.

I don't think my life is necessarily much worse or much better than anyone else. It's just life with a house and three little kids and two cats and a parent who works. But I will keep trying to blog about it because I like blogging. I have still been reading blogs and am so grateful for my friends that are doing it. I've been spending a lot of time on Facebook, and while that is quick and easy, too much quick and easy is not a good thing.


The Weed said…
I always look forward to your posts and get excited whenever I see a new one in my feed from you. Your life sounds like a solid, good life. And I completely know what you mean when you talk about waiting for the routine to set in--I find myself perpetually feeling like I'm on the cusp of getting routinized, only to discover that it never happens, and that lack of routine is the routine. I need to remember this.
AmyJane said…
I totally agree about facebook being quick and easy. But I miss the in depth looks at life from blogging. I hope you never quit entirely, but i definitely think you've got your plate full so taking a break here and there is probably a good idea!
Th. said…

I don't comment often, but I read most if not all of your posts.
I wish that I lived locally. I was the oldest of three kids raised by a single mom. Of course, when I was a kid, I couldn't understand her situation. I just figured she was a cornacopia of strength, wisdom, intellect, goodness. Now I can see that it was probably very hard at times. You are a rock star. Hugs to you and your little darlings. Stay warm, and healing thoughts to those three bones in Little Dude's foot.
M said…
On the broken bones: it probably just would have happened anyway. Bee broke her arm when she fell out of a tree house....another time she that she JUMPED out of it, there were no consequences. J's leg was from jumping off a chair. Total freak accident. Maybe I'm just trying to make myself feel better, but I don't think it's a reflection of your mothering to have a child with a broken foot.

And I'm glad you still blog! I hate that Facebook has stolen all of my friends' inclination to update their blogs. I like reading your posts. :-)
jules said…
I love reading your blog. Keep it up, friend! I'm sorry about the broken foot. I can't imagine how hard that must be for him AND you. Or has it become normal by now?

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