Sick Day

I briefly mentioned in last week's post that Little Dude had been sick with strep throat and that last Sunday S-Boogie wasn't feeling very good either. Unfortunately she did not sleep well on Sunday night and woke up with a fever Monday morning. I decided to take a sick day from work (so grateful for a job with good benefits), dropped P-Bibby off for the morning with her babysitter, and took S-Boogie in to the doctor for a strep test. It was positive. We stopped by Target to fill the prescription and grab a few things, then came home to spend the rest of the day resting. 

This would have all been fairly normal and routine, but Monday was the day for the last two performances of the musical that she had been working on for nearly three months. They had a matinee and an evening performance; this was also the day for cast photos and professional videotaping of the show. I had planned to take the afternoon off work to watch the show with Little Dude and P. Bibby. It was the worst possible day to come down with strep throat. S-Boogie seemed OK with things in the morning, and in the afternoon I suggested that if she tried taking a nap she maybe could go to the evening performance. Instead, she woke up with a fever at 5:00 and I just couldn't feel good about letting her go. We all had a rough evening--as time progressed and she realized that she really wasn't going to magically get better and wouldn't be doing her play, she got more and more upset (being sick and feverish didn't help). She sobbed off and on for nearly two hours. It broke my heart--definitely one of my hardest days as a parent because I couldn't do much to help her but say that I was so sorry she couldn't go be in her play after all. And, of course, by the next morning her fever was gone and her throat was feeling a lot better so she went off to school. On Wednesday she told me that she understood why she couldn't do the play and that she was feeling a lot better about not going. I hope this is one of those experiences that is hard, but still results in growth and not resentment. I think she'll be fine and we're already looking forward to next year's play. 

The rest of the week was fine; thankfully things were mostly uneventful. Little Dude and S-Boogie have been taking their antibiotics faithfully and so far P-Bibby hasn't been sick. I completed a big assignment for one class and have been keeping up with my group project for the other. Yesterday and today we watched General Conference, and the kids and I mostly enjoyed it. I bought a new jigsaw puzzle and we all worked on putting it together while we watched and listened. Yesterday between sessions we ran a few quick errands to pick up some things the kids needed for their spring break trip this coming week, and I bought us some yummy treats at Costco. I used to be a strict homemade treat purist, but now that I'm working with limited time and energy I am willing to let others do the baking instead. Conference is a lot more fun with treats. I also made sure that we had plenty of outside time between and after the sessions so we didn't go too crazy from sitting around inside watching TV so much. 

Conference was really good this year--I heard most of the talks and can't wait to go back and re-read them all. I wasn't sure if we were going to keep doing them for Family Home Evenings, but the kids are excited about it and already have some ideas. There were a lot of good talks that I think will work well for lessons. S-Boogie has already stated that for her next lesson she wants to make the Filipino candy from this month's Friend and study the talk by Elder Teh. For me, the most powerful session was this morning. There were several talks in a row about developing gratitude, learning from our trials, and moving forward with faith. Those were all things I really needed to hear and gave me some great ideas of how to keep going and find more joy in my life. I'm grateful for a good, restorative weekend that made up for the bad start to this week.


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