Check up

I have either grown a second heart in my lower abdomen, or there is a little baby in there growing away just fine. I kept my appointment with the midwives today, since Dr. Judd can't see me until the 27th. They checked me out and everything looks and sounds fine. My uterus is measuring bigger than it should, but that's not surprising given the state of my anatomy. I also signed the little forms that give them permission to transfer my records over to the doctor's office. That made me feel a little sad. But then the nurse told me that Dr. Judd has an ultrasound machine that is hooked up to a large-screen plasma TV. That sounds somewhat exciting.


Cricket said…
Too Cool!!! That will be awesome to see!! (lucky...)
JB said…
Wow. What a great way to see your unborn child! I hope you have a nice doctor. :)
Ooh! Does it have surround sound?
Anonymous said…
I'm anxious to find out if it's a boy or a girl. I already saw something in the store I wanted to buy, but since it was pink with little embroidered flowers, decided I'd better wait! :)
Desmama said…
Pssst! I had Dr. Judd for my first baby. And it came C-section. And I'm pregnant again. And I'm due six days before you (June 10). So you and I, we're almost like twins. But, um, you know--if you can get in to Dr. Gordon, you might really like him too. He and Judd delivered my baby (on the OR table) and I really, really liked his bedside manner. For what it's worth. Judd was great, but I think if I did it all over again, I'd go with Gordon. Again, for what it's worth

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