The Seventh Month

Wow, seven months have come and gone since Little Dude came crashing into the world. This last one flew by particularly fast, and it doesn't feel like a lot has changed since he was six months old. He still has no desire to sit up, which makes bathtime difficult and causes me to compare him too much to his older sister and other babies his age. But, sitting up will eventually come I guess. Right now he's too busy rolling all over the living room, eating the edges of the rug and all the pine needles from the pathetically crispy Christmas tree we really need to take down. He's also become quite talkative this month and loves to carry on little "ba ba ba" conversations with all of us. S-Boogie is starting to interact more with her little brother as well, and a few times I've seen them giggling hysterically at each other. Little Dude is still a bit cranky and doesn't like nap time much, but his disposition is so much better than it was just a few months ago. I think part of his new-found cheerfulness comes from a full tummy; he's taken quite well to bottle feeding, and so far I've still been able to nurse a little at bedtime and in the wee hours of the morning. He still loves to eat solid food and as soon as he sees someone approach with his bowl and bib he starts shaking with excitement. He does the same thing when I'm mixing up a bottle and usually grabs it and tries to shove it in his mouth himself, even with the cap on. I've noticed his cognitive skills developing in another way--whenever he's on the floor playing he'll make a beeline for any new toy or object in his path. If you offer him something he hasn't played with before and something old, he'll pick the new thing every time. Seven months old and already a picky consumer of entertainment. I guess it starts young these days.


ALibo said…
At least he's not pulling down his pants on trans-continental flights...which happened to me today.
Earth Sign Mama said…
YOU pulled down YOUR pants on a transcontinental flight??? official position as Chief of Grammar Police caused me to pick on you--a complete stranger...sorry...

Actually, anyone under the age of four is allowed to pull down his/her pants anytime, anywhere without consequence, except from their own mom.
Jenny said…
Hooray for siblings being nice to each other! I love the hysterical belly laughs that big sisters can get their baby brothers to do.

We had the same bathing problem with our kids because they sit up after they learn to crawl. With Ethan I finally just laid him on his tummy in the tub with just a little water and it was so much easier.
Desmama said…
I am usually amazed (jealous?) at other mom's perceptiveness when it comes to their children's skills and development. I'm like "Uh, is she supposed to be sitting up? I'm not sure what she'd do with a new toy." *Sigh* Still learning this mommy thing. He sounds so cute.
skyeJ said…
I am going to pull my pants down when I fly home from Morocco.

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