Notes from the Trip

1. Fifteen hours in the car is a really, really long time.

2. Jerome, Idaho smells like cow poop.

3. Jerome, Idaho also had one of the nicest McDonald's cashiers I've ever met.

4. S-Boogie only wants to eat at McDonalds because they have a playground. I'm willing to let her since she spent eleven hours in the car before getting there.

5. You really shouldn't say "what the hell" during the solemn procession at BYU graduation. Especially not when you're standing in the front row just a short distance away from the dean and all the faculty. Thankfully they didn't hear me and the Marriott Center didn't fall down around me.

6. We really shouldn't have ordered the medium-sized guava cake.

7. Blog parties are fun and it's cool to meet so many people in person.

8. Even though I'm morally opposed to video game systems, I think I want a Wii.

9. I'm getting too old to stay up until 2:30. My body is programed to wake up at 7:30 no matter what. So are my children.

10. The children's museum at the Gateway is a lot of fun. It's nice to have kids that are getting big enough to play on their own, and it's extra nice when they have cousins to play with.

11. The one time you don't bring extra clothes is the one time your child will have an accident. Of course it will also happen in the upscale mall and you'll be forced to pay for overpriced Gap panties. At least we got a cute skirt on sale.

12. Scot and his husband have adorable children, and it was very nice to meet them in person and share dinner. I know it can be somewhat scary to meet people for the first time after only having cyber interaction so I appreciate their willingness to meet us.

13. S-Boogie needs an older sibling. She and her cousin M played for hours.

14. One week is not long enough to visit family.

15. I felt a little homesick when we left Utah. I think it was partially because we didn't eat at Burgers Supreme or at Thai Chili Garden. But it was mostly because we know so many cool people there.

16. Utah is hot and brown. So is Idaho, eastern Oregon, and southeastern Washington.

17. Little Dude really hates being in the car. He vents his anger by shrieking and destroying board books.

18. Dairy Queen is much tastier for dinner than McDonalds.

19. I'm glad to be home.


FoxyJ said…
PS--I'll get some pictures up here and on the kids' blog as soon as I can!
Natalie Gordon said…
I hate video games. We're buying a wii as soon as Target gets one in stock. Crazy world.

Also, I worked at Burgers Supreme for a year in college. They have the best food ever. My fave - bacon cheeseburger (no dressing) combo.
robin marie said…
we had a wild utah trip as well! and i was not a fan of the drive there and back even WITHOUT kids! but i do feel your pain!!!
MC Class of 97 said…
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Amen and amen.

And if by #13 you're suggesting that we have another child and then send her into the future where she will grow up in a virtual reality machine before returning to us as a six-year-old, then... well... I'll think about it.
Desmama said…
I'm glad you had a good time, but I know how nice it is to be home. When's the Hawaii trip? My brother and Dad are in Maui right now.

Next time you come down (I hope there's a next time), I'd love to have you stop by, since we won't be living out of boxes and stuff.
Jenny said…
I'm interested to know what happened that made you say 'what the hell' at graduation. Sounds like a good story.
TJ said…
i do my best to avoid utah at all costs. for me its almost like the twilight zone with white people working at 7-11s and virtually no diversity to speak of other than on campus. kind of freaks me out to see so many white people. ever watch sons of provo??? funniest "church movie" i've ever seen...
Kristeee said…
I'm with Jenny on wanting to know the situation in the Marriott Center. That sounds like a fun story.

My boss is from Jerome, Idaho. I'll have to ask him if it smelled like cow poop when he was growing up.
Mostly I'm interested in what prompted the "What the hell?" comment.
FoxyJ said…
It's really not that funny of a story. My friends and I were whispering and giggling to each other (yes we should know better) and one asked me if I was considering getting a PhD. I replied that some days I want to and other days I say "what the hell am I thinking?". The "hell" just slipped out instead of my usuall "heck". Oops.
Anonymous said…
And then after she said "what the hell," I laughed for a really long time and foxyj's cool points went sky high. I'm sorry, but they did. Because that was hilariously inappropriate.

Congrats again and it was so nice to see a familiar face at graduation!

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