On our way

Even though it's eleven o'clock and my sleeping pill is starting to kick in, I thought I'd write a quick little post to say goodbye before we head to Utah. I'll probably do a little blogging from the road, but I'm trying to use this trip as a chance to hang out with family and friends in person (you're still welcome to come to the party on Saturday, just email for directions).
Check Spelling
I had a lot of blog posts in my head over the last few days but never got around to them. I fed my children chocolate chip muffins and felt guilty about it; I accidentally crashed a birthday party with S-Boogie; I went to my bookgroup for the first time tonight. I guess I've just been busy. Like Mr. Fob said on his blog, if you're having a bad day tomorrow just remember this: at least you aren't spending fourteen hours in a car with small children.


Samantha said…
Good luck on your trip--and I'm looking forward to meeting you!

If it makes you feel any better, in December I'll be on a plane for more than 8 hours with:
-3 nephews under the age of 18 months
-4 nephews/nieces age 3-5
-5 nephews/nieces age 5-8
-4 nephews/nieces/offspring age 9-12
-8 nephews/nieces/offspring age 13-18

It could be loud. Very loud.

Have a good trip.
Lindsay said…
I will definitely be thinking of you and your 14 hours in a car with small children when I'm packing up our small apartment with my colicky baby. Good times, good good times.

Best of luck! Just remember -- the trip will be worth it (that's what I keep telling myself, anyway -- I hope it's true!)
Sarah said…
You are so lucky that your hubby lets you take a sleeping pill for the trip (or does he know?). I don't think I could ever get away with that.
FoxyJ said…

My hubby actually insisted I take a sleeping pill the night before, because otherwise I'd lie awake half the night and be grumpy and tired the next day. I have a hard time falling asleep when I'm worried or excited about something. It actually worked out well--even though I was a little bit groggy when I woke up, I felt refreshed by the time it was my turn to drive during the afternoon.

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