Pennies from Heaven

I was in a bad mood this morning. S-Boogie and I were at the hospital until nearly 10:30 last night, and I didn't end up in bed until nearly midnight. Then Little Dude woke up early with a nasty poop and a flaming red diaper rash. Even after changing his diaper it still bothered him and he spent a lot of time this morning wandering around crying. S-Boogie was starting to feel better, but still kind of whiny since she got up early too. And I'm stressed about our upcoming trip, finding some sort of job for the next semester, and S-Boogie's recurring illnesses.

Finally at around 11:30, after Little Dude woke up from a short nap, I decided that S-Boogie was well enough to go outside for a bit. We wandered over to check our mail and I noticed a nice couch and love seat set in the "giveaway" area by the housing office. I was able to round up two able-bodied and willing men from my ward (an advantage to living in our little Mormon-dominated student enclave) and they hauled the new furniture to my house as well as removed my old, nasty couch. Now we just need to figure out how to get the slipcover to fit on it.

While I was out, I got a call on my cell phone. I was expecting a call from a technical college that had emailed me about a resume I submitted. It turns out that they were calling to inform me that I was teaching an evening class on Mondays and Wednesdays starting September 19 and they wanted to make arrangements for me to come in and get my materials. Wow. I'm totally excited and totally scared at the same time. I'd honestly given up thinking stuff like this could happen to me, but I guess someone finally believed me when I said my resume qualified me for a job. I just hope my teaching doesn't prove them wrong. This also helps me feel so much better, because even though the apartment manager gig might have been good, I wasn't feeling very enthused about doing it and moving away from our nice little community here. Plus teaching will look so much better on my resume. I think I might order some Thai food tonight to celebrate.


Desmama said…
You should celebrate! Those are both great news events! I'm very happy for you. I hope both your kids start feeling better soon, though.
Christian said…


You rock!

I'm very happy for you.
Mama said…

I'm so glad for you!

(And hopefully this holds true for you - the more you manage the asthma, the easier it gets. A good ped pulmonologist will really help! I hope it gets easier and easier the more info/help you can get for her. It has for my family.)

Happy Thai food to you!
Lindsay said…
Yay! Rays of hope! It's the little things, isn't it? :)
Earth Sign Mama said…
NEW COUCH!!! That is so awesome!!!!

Oh, and you got a job too.

No really, I'm thrilled about your job and also that you don't have to move.

And, HEY!!! NEW COUCH!!!
Mrs. Hass-Bark said…
Hooray!!!!! That's so exciting. I'm so happy for you! You are going to find a way to make the slipcover fit.


Also, you are going to be a fantastic teacher!
Samantha said…
Oh Yay!! Because I didn't want you to have to move either--it's kind of tough on kids and they let the parents know about it.

I'd take a class from you--I think you'll be a wonderful teacher.
Courtney said…
Congratulations! A teaching job sounds awesome and so does Thai food. All that and a new couch are sure to make the red poopy rash and the late night hospital trip not seem so bad.
Congratulations on your new job! How exciting for you! You totally deserve yummy Thai food!
Zillah said…
congratulations! good luck teaching!
Cricket said…
WAY COOL NEWS!!! I'm doing a happy dance for you!!!
Jenny said…
Congratulations! I hope the thai food was good and LD's rear end clears up soon.
Kristeee said…
Oh, hooray! I'm so glad that you got that call, and that you'll have a chance to show the world your stuff!

And hopefully your kiddos start feeling better and being happier - may the power of happy child naps be with you!
Kengo Biddles said…
Wow! Glad to hear the good news despite the rough start/end of the last coupla days!
Anonymous said…
Congratulations! I know you'll make a wonderful teacher! And now you've got a nice new couch to sit on and do grading. I love it when I can work at home on the couch drinking hot chocolate! That's the life.
How great. You never know what form the blessings will take, but I've learned over the last six months that they DO come if we are patient. Congratulations and good luck--I'm sure you'll be awesome.

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