Where to go, what to study

I have decided to apply for PhD programs for next year; now I just need to decide where. (I'm going to keep the ESL certification in mind in case I don't get any offers. I had thought of doing it during the next year, but it's too late to get in for fall quarter.) I am also still unsure if I want to keep doing Spanish or do Comparative Literature. At this point it's probably too late to do Comp Lit because I don't have the background preparation I need, but some places include film in their comparative literature programs. However, once you get to PhD level you usually have a bit of flexibility in what you take and what you study so Spanish is probably a good fit. We've also decided that we'd like to stay somewhere in the West, so here are some of the options I'm considering:

University of Washington: Not the strongest or most prestigious program, but it has the bonus of being the most convenient. We could even keep living in student housing.

University of Oregon: The PhD is in Romance Languages, which could be interesting. Eugene also has the bonus of being more affordable than some of the other options.

UC Berkeley: Very good, very prestigious program. Probably hard to get into. However, we have good friends living there. Of course the cost of living stinks, but I love the area.

UC Davis: A strong program and I probably have a good chance of getting in. It is, however, in Davis. Not my top choice for places to live. A few points for being somewhat more affordable.

UC Santa Barbara: They have a PhD in Film and Media Studies which sounds cool. And I love Santa Barbara. Unfortunately it also has the distinction of being one of the most expensive places to live in the entire country. Blah. And I'm not totally sure I want to do film instead of Spanish.

I'm thinking I want to apply for 3 or 4 programs, so I might just end up applying for most of these. We also have to consider the fact that Mr. Fob will need to be able to get a job. This will be more difficult in Berkeley and Seattle, since they both have library schools and therefore a high concentration of librarians. Davis and Eugene, however, might not have so many job options. Decisions, decisions.


The Weed said…
I'm excited you're going for the PhD. My votes: Berk., WA, OR, Davis, S.B. And WA is only second because we'd miss you guys if you left. I'm selfish, all right? This is really cool.
Mrs. Hass-Bark said…
Congratulations on making a decision! It's really a tough one. I look forward to hearing how the process goes and what your next decision is. I'm pulling for you!
Eugene is fabulous because it is not very big but very easy to get around. It is more affordable here than bigger cities in Oregon and Washington. I've heard the university is marvelous. I'm hoping to get my masters degree here.
Petra said…
My vote, of course, is for Berkeley. Come join me in the Land of Ridiculous Rent!
Anonymous said…
Davis is really pretty (much greener and flower-ier than Provo), has tons of interesting people (lots of hippies), is home to all sorts of lovely farmers' markets, and is close to the Bay Area and Sacramento. You might actually really like it.

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