Chasing Spring

Last Saturday morning we packed up the car and headed south. We ran into a blizzard just before Fillmore, ate our peanut butter sandwiches quickly while shivering on a picnic bench at a rest stop, found green leaves in Saint George, and saw beautiful wildflowers in the Nevada desert. When we finally got to Las Vegas, Little Dude and S-Boogie spent an hour running around in Grandpa and Grandma's backyard enjoying the sunshine. They also soaked themselves with the hose while helping to clean and refill the pool. Despite the sun it is still a bit too chilly for swimming in the big pool, but they love playing in the hot tub.

We had a nice Easter together and I felt inspired by the Conference talks I was able to watch. It felt ironic to me to be receiving so many good ideas for how to better teach my children the gospel while at the same time giving in to their cries of "I hate Conference" and letting them play in the backyard. I wasn't really prepared for either Conference or Easter this year and didn't do a very good job of helping them understand and appreciate the significance of the events. Thankfully we will have another chance and next time I will find ways to make it more accessible. We've had a good vacation so far and I'll be sad to come back home to ice and snow this weekend. Hopefully Utah will get it all out if its system before we come back.


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