Ten for this Week

I can't manage to get my life in enough order to post every day, but I can at least run through this week's highlights

-We've had many days of good weather and are absolutely loving the fact that we have a yard to work on. I say 'we', but really Mr. Fob has done most of the work in sprouting seeds, clearing the garden, and creating a compost pile. The kids also spend hours playing out in the back with mud, sticks, rocks, and bricks.

-Several mornings this week I was able to get up and ride the exercise bike before kids woke up and needed my help. The baby almost always sleeps through the night, and if we get her down early enough she will wake up to nurse at 6 or 7 and then go back to sleep for a few more hours. I've learned that it's worth it to me to get up then and do some exercise and have a bit of 'me' time before the day gets crazy. She doesn't have a great schedule yet, but we're working on teaching her how to put herself to sleep and how to nap during the day.

-We did have some cold and rainy weather during the week (springtime in Utah is crazy) and I remembered how much I like rain.

-Thursday night we had a good friend stay the night and I was again thankful to have a house where we can comfortably host other people. I love having people visit; I went out to breakfast with her and another friend the next morning, and even though the food was mediocre the company was great.

-Thursday was actually not a good day, starting with Little Dude waking up with a very stinky, poopy Pull-Up. But that afternoon my visiting teacher invited the kids over for a playdate with her kids and I stayed and chatted with her for over an hour. There is definitely something restorative about fresh air and sunshine.

-This week we talked about Greece and I made baklava for the first time. I need to improve my technique, but it tasted great and the kids liked it a lot.

-My mom signed me up for the writing conference as my birthday present, and she's going to come up and go with me. It should be a lot of fun!

-We discovered that the bushes along our back fence are lilacs. Those are my favorite flowers and I'm looking forward to the day when the blossoms open up and I can fill my house with them.

-Today was stake conference and I'm proud of myself for attending both the adult meeting last night and then today's general session. The kids were pretty well-behaved during today's meeting, until it started going overtime. Little Dude spent the entire closing prayer chanting 'no' in response to my attempts to shush him. Thankfully I sat next to a very sweet lady who happily held the baby while she slept for an hour (and while I had to extract Little Dude from under the chairs and take him into the hall to reprimand him).

-This post has been mostly positive, but the truth is that it's been an up-and-down week. Just life with kids, a house, a husband, and all that entails. Little Dude is going through a challenging phase and the baby is almost three months old now; she's darling, but twelve weeks of disruption are starting to wear on everyone a little. It's a good thing she's so cute and loves to sleep all night!


Becca said…
I'm so jealous that she is sleeping through the night!! I feel like I'm just surviving and can't believe as mothers that we can even function on such little sleep.
Desmama said…
I'm impressed you made baklava. Was it hard? I love baklava so so so much but it seems like something that'd be easier to buy than make. Maybe I'll have to look in to it.
Emily M. said…
Woohoo! I will see you there! --Emily
I often say "we" when I mean Plantboy. I think that sometimes he thinks "we" is his name!

"Just life with kids, a house, a husband, and all that entails" doesn't that describe a lot of what you do? Nothing dramatic (either bad or good), just life.

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