Reading Roundup: September 2011

Cinderella Ate My Daughter by Peggy Orenstein

I've read some of Orenstein's articles before, so much of the stuff in this book wasn't particularly new to me. However, I still enjoyed reading it and it reminded me of some things that I had not thought about for a while. As far as where my children are at in relation to today's culture, I feel pretty comfortable, but there are still some things I would like to change in the world at large.

The Man in the Rockefeller Suit by Mark Seal

I love books about true crime, and I thought this book was fascinating. I'm still astounded at how this guy could live a lie for so many years and pull it off successfully. There were a few spots where the writing could have used some polishing, but generally I thought it was a good book.

Every Patient Tells a Story by Lisa Sanders

This is another book written by an author that I have read for years in the NY Times. I did recognize some of the case studies she includes in here, but I still had a great time reading the book. She not only describes some 'medical mysteries', but also discusses the history of diagnosis and current issues in medicine.

by Tina Fey

Tina Fey is one of the funniest women alive today. I already knew that, and it was just confirmed by reading this book. The interesting thing to me was the fact that she is not just funny, but has a lot to say about being a woman with a career in a field that has generally been male-dominated. This book was surprisingly insightful; I just expected it to be funny.

Crossed by Ally Condie

Yes, this is the sequel to Matched, and no it doesn't come out until November first. But I got to borrow an advance copy from someone at the library. I really enjoyed reading it and thought it was an excellent follow-up to the first book in the series. Now it's going to be a really long wait until the third book comes out!

The Distant Hours by Kate Morton

I think this is the book that has finally convinced me to give up on Kate Morton. I really liked The Forgotten Garden, but this book and the other book I read by her were just a little too over-the-top gothic that I couldn't handle it. I'm usually fairly willing to suspend disbelief but this book was just too ridiculous in the plot twists and turns.

Faith by Jennifer Haigh

I think the biggest strengths of this book are its setting and characters. Even though I have never been to the place that the author is describing, I really felt like I could see it and really imagine all the characters. They are also all very nuanced and not stereotypical at all. I thought the plot wasn't that great and it had a few too many twist for my tastes, but overall I would recommend this book.

Untold Story by Monica Ali

I listened to an interview with the author of this book on NPR and thought it sounded like an intriguing idea. I've never been that interested in Princess Diana and I don't know much about her, but I think that makes me a better reader for this book than one who would be concerned about the author getting the details 'right'. I thought this felt a bit like a modern fairy tale, particularly in the author's use of language.

Sex on the Moon by Ben Mezrich

I thought the subject of this book sounded fascinating (a plot to steal moon rocks from NASA), and the writing style only enhanced that impression. This was a great, fun book to read and after a while I couldn't put it down because I just wanted to find out what would happen next.


New Moon

After the awfulness that was Twilight I had low expectations for this movie. I ended up being pleasantly surprised. It had a decent plot, some very likeable characters, and pretty nice special effects.


I thought New Moon was palatable, but I nearly gave up on this one halfway through. Both Jacob and Edward turn into freaky controlling jerks and I really didn't feel like watching it after a while. I still haven't made up my mind about Breaking Dawn yet.


Jenny said…
I heard sex on the moon was good but haven't had a chance to read it yet. You should come with me to the dollar theater when Breaking Dawn gets there and it will be a hysterically good time. I saw a preview a couple weeks ago and it looks like it will be a memorable experience.
Desi said…
I LOVE true crime (as long as it is well written). You'll have to give me some more recommendations. :-)
skyeJ said…
oo! oo! Fire Lover, by Joseph Wambaugh is a REALLY good true crime story. It is about an arson investigator in So. Cal. who was actually also an arsonist.
FoxyJ said…
Oh yeah, I've read Fire Lover and it is really good. I'll get you some more recommendations when I have a chance to sit down and think about it. I should be grading papers right now

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