National Poetry Month: Day 9

Time for something a little lighter.

Angels of Mercy
by Darlene Young
The Seventh Ward Relief Society
presidency argued long and soft
whether Janie Goodmansen deserved
to have the sisters bring her family meals.
It seems that precedent was vague—
no one was sure if “boob job” qualified
as a legitimate call for aid.
Janie herself had never asked for help—
a fault they found it harder to forgive
even than the vanity behind
the worldliness of D-cup ambition.
But in the end charity did not fail.
The sisters marched on in grim duty
each evening clutching covered casseroles
(for, after all, it wasn’t the children’s fault).
More than once, though, by some oversight
the dessert came out a little short, as if
by some consensus they all knew
that Janie’s husband, Jim, could do
without a piece of pie that night.

First published in Segullah


brinestone said…
Hahaha! I love it.
Lindsay said…
That is hilarious!
Desmama said…
This was AWESOME. Loved it!
BurkeAndEmily said…
Love it! This is so perfect and so funny.

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