Getting bigger, bigger

After a marathon doctor's appointment (we were there for an hour and a HALF!), Little Dude and S-Boogie have both been given a clean bill of health and are up to date on their immunizations. Little Dude isn't all that little anymore, since he now weighs 12 1/2 pounds--that means he's gained 5 1/2 since he was born 10 weeks ago! S-Boogie is still on the small side for her age, but definitely growing.

This post was interrupted by cleaning up an entire cup of milk that was thrown on the kitchen floor. (Can you tell why I still usually give her a sippy?) I'm actually proud of myself because I did not get upset and yell, and I've been doing way too much of that lately. Unfortunately S-Boogie is still in her room bawling, because it's way past her naptime and she's tired (which she will vigorously deny while rubbing her eyes and crying). For the last few weeks she's been seriously fighting her naps, no matter what we try. Finally today I tried telling her that she just needed to have "quiet time" by herself, but that didn't seem to help. Oh well. I really need a break and I'm not going to let her just hang out all day without at least a little time to relax quietly in her room by herself. Mommy needs naptime just as much as the kids do.

And, we just told our landlord that our last day here will be September 12. I'm excited and scared at the same time. Moving is always difficult, and I've never lived in another state as an adult. I think the kids are little enough that it won't be too hard for them, and we're planning on having me fly up with them rather than drive (14 hours in a car with two small children is my idea of hell. Not to mention the cost of gas, food and a motel room). We just need to find a place to live that's affordable, close to the university, and not too junky. It's the impossible dream, but we might as well try.


Katria said…
One time I was at the doctor's office for THREE HOURS!!! 'Course, most of that was waiting time. But then, isn't it always?
Cricket said…
How exciteing and nerve-wracking!
:::sending good-move vibes:::
TK said…
Maybe this is a naive question, but is there a housing office at the university that could help you - at least w/temporary housing so you could look around after you get there?

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