A Good Evening

This afternoon we sent S-Boogie off for one final sleepover at her cousin's house. Master Fob was off work at 4, a little earlier than most Saturdays, so we celebrated by going off to have some fun while unencumbered by the interruptions of Little Miss "Look at ME!" (Little Dude is still pretty easy to take places, since he just curls up in his sling and goes right to sleep). The first place we headed was actually Babies R Us, since Little Dude had a gift card from grandpa that we needed to spend. We had been thinking of using the money to get a new carseat for S-Boogie, with the justification that Little Dude can then start using the convertible seat she's in now (we want to leave the infant seat here in my sister-in-law's garage so we don't have to worry about storing it in Seattle. It belongs to her and we're just borrowing it). But, then I started itching to buy a new stroller, one of the fancier models. I bought the one we have now two years ago on clearance for $15 and it's done an adequate job. It's a lightweight Graco model that I haven't seen very often--somewhere between an umbrella stroller and those giant monster strollers that take up your entire trunk. Unfortunately, after 2 years of pretty heavy use it's starting to get worn out and fall apart. Without toddler distractions we were able to spend a good amount of time deliberating and folding and lifting all the various strollers at the store and decided on this one. It's lightweight, folds up easily and compactly, and still has nice features like a basket and a sunshade (and it comes with a vinyl rain cover). Plus Master Fob was sold on the tall handles that don't hurt his back. I think we're all set for our new urban lifestyle in Seattle.

After spending way too much time in the baby store we decided to go to Burgers Supreme for one last meal at our favorite local source for thick shakes and fry sauce. After listening to the conversation at the next table, I realized that ten years in Provo has been more than enough for me and I'm ready to move on with my life. Even if we're moving to another college area, I know it will be different from BYU. I've loved my time at BYU, but I'm ready to go somewhere else. After dinner we spent some time at Borders, once again enjoying spending as much time as we wanted in a store without the ticking toddler time bomb along. We splurged and bought ourselves a little guide book that has lists of various "Top Ten Things to Do in Seattle". I think it will be fun to use when we get up there. Of course, our number one thing to do right now is
still find a place to live, unfortunately. Maybe S-Boogie can just stay at her cousin's house for the next month or two...


JB said…
Sounds like a nice evening. Good luck with the housing dilemma!
Jenny said…
Yay for the rain cover on the stroller! I liked hearing about your date- that was a popular one for us also. Good luck with the housing nightmare. That housing office sucks.
AmyJane said…
Ooh, I like your new stroller. I love buying baby gear. I'm already scouting out compact double stroller options, you know, just in case.
Also, those housing people are on my crap list. Sounds like the fun we had moving. Have you looked into income restricted housing? It may be too late but if you could qualify it's usually kind of nice housing for the price. Good luck!
Desmama said…
That is a great stroller. Does it really have longer handles? I'd love that--both DesDad and I would because we're both tall. That sounds like a lovely date. Bookstores are wonderful, even if, in the words of EKB, they are "the devil's den." I'm still trying to think of any connections I have in Seattle to help you out with the housing situation.
Melyngoch said…
You know, when I was Little Dude's age, I would have killed for a stroller like that.

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