Four Days on the Road

  • Thanks to Google I found advice on how to remove unwanted crayon from clothes. We soaked them in Borax for an hour or so to remove all the wax and then washed them in hot water and color-safe bleach to get the color out. Most of the pink spots are gone, although I have still found a few here and there.
  • Taxi rides cost a lot of money. So does eating every meal at a restaurant and doing things like buying an umbrella just because it's pouring rain. But, BYU was very generous and paid for a very nice hotel room with a beautiful view of the Potomac river in the rain and I got reimbursed for all the taxi rides.
  • Traveling with a baby is hard, but I was grateful for my spiffy new stroller with the rain cover. Little Dude was very pleasant during the conference and a number of the other participants commented on how cute he was and how much he reminded them of their kids or grandkids. I wonder if it would have been different at a conference that wasn't on feminist literature and therefore attended primarily by women.
  • It was cool to hang out with so many intellectual people and meet so many smart, interesting women. I am seriously thinking about going on to get a PhD now. Master Fob and I will have to discuss this more. I also really need to write my thesis and I need to try and publish my paper (especially since someone in my session was taking copious notes during my presentation and I don't want her to publish my paper instead of me).
  • My parents are very nice and very generous. My mom came up and watched Little Dude on Thursday night, along with my friend's baby who also came along with us. They also bought me a new suitcase on Saturday since mine started splitting open. And they came to hear my paper, even though I'm sure the subject was not that interesting to them.
  • I'm glad to be home with Master Fob and S-Boogie again.


TK said…
That's so cool that you got to go - both that your paper was that good AND that you were able to make arrangements (with BYU's financial help)! We're proud of you.
Earth Sign Mama said…
Hey, you wrote it and you read it--therefore your parents are interested!! We had a good time being the parents of a smart woman and the grandparents of cute baby. It's our job. We're glad you could do it, too.
Jenny said…
Congrats on everything! I admire you for being a good mom and a scholar simultaneously. I was never able to master that.
Desmama said…
Indeed congratulations. You are truly a scholar and a lady (as opposed to a scholar and a gentleman).
JB said…
I'm glad to hear you had a nice time and that you're back safely! :)
Th. said…


Publish now!
skyeJ said…
Where is Debra Winger and your amazingly sexy dress whites uniform???!!! Wait. Scholar and a Lady, not Officer and a Gentleman. Yaay!! My sister read stuff to a bunch of people! Yeeah!! Go, FOXY! I'm proud of you.
Still wonder where Debra Winger is...
Melyngoch said…
You inspire me. I'm sending in my first conference abstract this weekend and I'm tyerrifyied. And I have no hyperactive three-year-old to distract me. (One of my roommates just might qualifty, though . . .)
Kengo Biddles said…
OMG! Did you go to DC with the Daily Unifarce? If you did, you probably met Robb Hicken. He was there at the same time.

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