Week in Review

I went walking three times this week. Normally my friend can go Monday, Tuesday and Friday, but she couldn't make it this week on Tuesday. I did get up by myself and go Wednesday. I don't know if I'm going to burn a lot of calories, but having someone to talk to is doing a lot of good for my psyche. So is getting up and moving before I get kicked out of bed by the babies. I hope I can keep this up even when the weather gets colder.

S-Boogie is probably going to end up being Supergirl again this year. I realized a few days ago that we could just buy her a yellow sweatshirt and put black stripes on it with tape, but plain yellow sweatshirts are impossible to find. So are bee antennae. I'm a lame mom for waiting until the last minute to find a costume. I've also realized that 90 percent of the girl costumes out there are princess outfits. Why are princesses the only choices for girls these days? The other day at the toy store a mom was surprised that S-Boogie was enjoying the train table so much. All little kids should get a chance to play with trains.

I noticed in the ad we got in the mail that Albertsons had a bunch of canned goods on sale for really cheap, so I drove over and stocked up. I spent fifty dollars but I saved thirty-five. Hearing "you saved thirty-five dollars" made me happy.

We're considering finding a preschool for S-Boogie starting in January. I always wanted to wait until she was at least four. But she's constantly talking about going to school lately, and I was talking it over with my walking buddy who has a little girl with a very similar personality. She told me they were able to find a program that was just a few hours twice a week and her daughter loved it. I think S-Boogie might really like the break and I would appreciate the time off. We'll see what we can find and what we can afford. I only want to do it if it will benefit her.

I've been reading a ton of books lately and maybe one day I'll get around to posting some reviews on here. I also just received a book I need for my thesis through interlibrary loan and hopefully I'll do something with it before it needs to go back.

I am now going to end this post so I can go eat a brownie and get to bed early enough to enjoy walking tomorrow morning. We'll try and post costume pictures tomorrow night after our local Halloween party.


AmyJane said…
You go woman! Sounds like a productive, financially sound week. I'd be proud of a week like that.
Anonymous said…
It'll be nice that you can walk through the winter months, even if you have to bundle up. No threat of snow (or snow staying).
TK said…
Congratulations on your successful walking schedule! I'm glad it's working out for you.

On the subject of preschool, I have a suggestion. It may or may not work for you, but if it does, it's free.

What you do is get no more than 4 mothers together to organize your own 'preschool' (not just babysitting) which meets 1/2 day, 2X week. with 4 mothers, you only do it once every 2 weeks and then have 3 'free' days when other mothers do it. Four pre-schoolers aren't too hard to manage for about 3 hours, once every other week.

I know it would be a little more challenging with Timothy, though. But even if you had to trade some babysitting (for Timothy) on your day, it might still be worth it. The price is right, and the break could be helpful to both you and S-Boogie. (Check w/MFOB - he will tell you about his experiences with it.)

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