A Surprising Email

I just got an email in my inbox. It was from UC Davis. They are "delighted" to accept me into their program in Comparative Literature, are "impressed by [my] credentials" and are certain that I would "thrive in this environment". I'm feeling pretty overwhelmed right now. For a while I've been really debating about doing the PhD or not, but this makes me feel excited. I still need to hear back from Oregon and Berkeley before I make up my mind, but Davis has a lot of good things going for it.

We were justdoing a little research on the web and it seems like Davis would be a nice place to live. It's a smaller city, has good environmental and transportation options, and decent weather. I'm not a fan of the hot summers, but it apparently has mild winters and at this point we're both tired of freezing to death for six months out of the year. It's also quite a bit closer to our families and to some of our friends (not right next door, unfortunately). Plus I just looked up the school district and they have a Spanish-language immersion program in one of the elementary schools. I would love for S-Boogie to be in a program like that and I think she would like it too. Unfortunately Davis has a pretty high cost of living, so that's certainly a negative. Well, I still need to get two more letters so hopefully we'll be able to make some kind of decision soon!


Emma said…
That is exciting! CA is expensive (I grew up there). Davis is a nice area and I had friends that went to college there (eons ago). Good luck with other offers. That's got to be a tough decision.
Christian said…
Congratulations! I like having brilliant friends, so this is a good thing. :)
Desmama said…
Congratulations! That's great news. Here's hoping you hear from the other two soon (and that it's also good news).

P.S. And if Edgy uses an exclamation point, he must really be excited for you. He has this thing about them . . .
Kailey said…
Way to go!! I hate the thought of you leaving the area, but am comforted by the thought of always having your blog to go to. Just don't get so busy you won't have time to keep us updated with your thoughful entries... you know, if you do decide to leave!
Vanessa Swenson said…
Lady Steed said…
I must point out that Berkeley also has a high cost of living, possibly higher than Davis.

If you chose Davis and we have a car, we will come visit you.
Julie said…
They're now sending out college acceptance letters by email? Interesting. Congrats! Of your 3 choices Davis will be middle for cost of living, Berkely will be higher, but your summers won't be as hot and your winters will still be mild, though kind of like NW winters with quite a bit of rain. If you do go to Davis, one of our college roommates lives there, has for years, so your hubby could contact her and get some good inside info for you.
Courtney said…
That's way exciting! I hope the outcomes with the other school is positive too.
My niece is in a spanish immersion school and she loves it! I know my sister really loves the program too. So that would be cool if S-Boogie could do that.
Gina said…
Congratulations! Davis sounds like a nice place to me - I briefly looked into it awhile ago when Nephi was thinking of grad school there. Awhile ago I met a woman who had lived there while her husband was in law school. I mentioned that Davis seemed like a nice place to live from what I had read about it. "Not really," she said. "You have to drive, like, 20 minutes out of town to get to Walmart or any good restaurants like Olive Garden."
"Oh," I said.
Sounds like a nice place to live!
A PhD, on the other hand...
JB said…
Cricket said…
Great news! I hope the others are just as great.... scratch that- I know they will.
The Weed said…
That is awesome. Congratulations!!! We are proud of you (as much as friends can be, ha) and excited for your possibilities. But, in a way it's almost sad news for the Weeds because we'll miss you guys a lot if/when you do end up leaving the area.

What amazingly confidence-boosting wording. They must think you're really something. I'm positive that if you choose to go there, they will in no way be disappointed.
Petra said…
Congrats! Davis is nice and close to me too. I approve.
skyeJ said…
yay Foxy!!
Lindsay said…
Congratulations! Now that's gotta make you feel pretty darn good! The high cost of living is a downside, I agree, but, after living in exorbitantly expensive NYC for a little while now, I've decided that even on an itty bitty budget like ours, it's possible, with some pinching, to get along just fine.
Jenny said…
That is so exciting!

I just found out my downstairs neighbor is getting the degree you just finished at BYU.
Anonymous said…
Congratulations!!!!! Where in Oregon are you thinking?
ambrosia ananas said…
Congratulations! That's fantastic.
Th. said…

I don't know what Oregon's like, but if costofliving was a big consideration, um.


Congratulations! Keep 'em coming in!
Anonymous said…
Excellent news! Congratulations!
Mama said…
What wonderful, exciting news! No matter what you ultimately decide, I feel it's just thrilling to know you're "wanted."


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