Does pregnancy make you crazy?

Last night we watched The Office, and I realized that one of the jokes being brought up lately is the fact that Pam is crazy because she is pregnant. I asked Mr. Fob if I should be insulted or if I should laugh, because it is unfortunately true. This time around it's been nice to experience pregnancy without the added stress of school, but we still have had the endless rounds of sickness and issues with buying a house. Not to mention the fact that I'm beginning to have trouble sleeping anytime except during the middle of the day when my children need me. I think those things alone give me the right to be a little crabby, but I've also noticed that in general my emotions seem to be a little 'off' lately. I just feel a little off-kilter. If you've been pregnant, did it make you crazy too?


Desmama said…
Well, it made me crazier. I'm not sure where normal falls for me anyway. :)
Earth Sign Mama said…
Actually, because of the scourge of PMS, I don't recall feeling crazy while pregnant. I felt hungry, sleepy (nap-time was mainly for Mom's benefit), indigestion, humongous, taken-over-by-an-alien, but serene generally. It's actually the years and years afterward that cause craziness.
Kristen said…
yes, definitely. Although I guess I'd have to agree with Desmama's comment. Sane is a relative term.
skyeJ said…
crazy? Did somebody say crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room with rats. Rubber rats. They made me crazy.

tee hee hee....
Lindsay said…
If you asked my husband, he'd probably tell you I was crazier. I'd probably tell you I was just crankier. I love how "The Office" is making fun of the stereotype, though. And they even get to throw in the Engaged Woman and Newlywed stereotypes, too, which can make a girl just as crazy as pregnancy. So funny! I wonder what they'll do with Pam's character when she's got the Paranoid New Mother crazies, too.
M said…
Yes. Definitely a nut job through both pregnancies. My biggest thing was becoming absent-minded. I'm so organized and obsessive that the absentminded forgetfulness drove me nuts.
Courtney said…
When I was first pregnant, but before I even knew, I would cry about 10 times a day for no real reason. I had to set a limit to how many times I could cry a day (three) because it was starting to hinder my ability to function. Then I found out I was pregnant, and it all made sense.
So, yes. I was crazy and emotional and just off my entire pregnancy.
rantipoler said…
I'm already kinda wacky, so I really have no idea what pregnancy might do to me, but it's a bit of a scary thought.
Julie said…
When Jonathan and I were engaged my dad remarked that it was good that Jonathan was laid back because he thought I would be hard to deal with when I was pregnant. I was quite offended. I don't thing being pregnant makes me especially crazy. Postpartum hormones are much worse for me!
Anonymous said…
um, pregnancy made me ABSOLUTELY crazy.
Samantha said…

But I'm not sure what else one could expect. Our bodies are being inhabited by other people, which is sort of a crazy system in the first place.

As for cranky--I think that comes because we have no personal space--zero--not even during bathroom time.
In a word: yes.

And I so loved the wedding Office. The last 10 minutes was the most rewarding television I watched all year.

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