I read 61 books in 2022; 44 were by women, 15 were by men, and 2 had multiple authors of multiple genders. 11 were nonfiction, 2 were poetry, and 48 were fiction. This year I also read 4 books in Spanish and 3 books that were translated in English from other languages. Although I don't think I want to set some reading goals or take on a particular reading challenge, next year I would like to read more works in translation and more books of poetry. I'd also like to get back into reading more Mormon nonfiction books since I haven't done that as much during the last few years. In no particular order, here are my favorite books from this year: Fiction: Seven Days in June by Tia Williams The Violin Conspiracy by Brendan Slocumb Picnic in the Ruins by Todd Robert Petersen Small Things Like These by Claire Keegan The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab Eleusis by R. de la Lanza True Biz by Sara Novic The Cartographers by Peng Shepherd Sea of Tranquility by E...
I say this because quite a few years ago, The Earl--my housemate of many years, once rinsed and soaked the chicken that we barbequed. As we were eating dinner I noticed an "extra clean taste". It was then that he'd told me about our meal's pre-cooking bath. The Earl explained that he had left the chicken out to defrost earlier that day. But that he had forgotten about it, so it had ended up sitting out on the counter in the warm, tropical summer for an extra long time. He was worried about salmonella. However, instead of following the direction to soak for 15 minutes, I believe our chicken took a nice leisurely bath of 1/2 an hour.
Actually, I don't think The Earl realized that a recipie for bleaching foods existed. When I asked him why in the world would he think to soak chicken in bleach, his response was simply: bleach cleans the bathroom, it ought to clean the chicken...
Actually, it wasn't all that bad--after a few bites you didn't really notice the hint of chlorox at all. And most importantly, we didn't get sick, or die.
Guys. I guess sometimes there is a reason to their madness.
My kids have welcomed the ban with shouts of joy. Typical.
I've decided to channel my love for spinach salads into something else:
broccoli salad.
With cashews, bacon bits, onions, dates, apples -- YUM.
Oh that sounds good....
Skye--does it taste chloriney?