Maybe I have a death wish

All this talk of spinach in the news has actually made me start craving a nice spinach salad. With dried cranberries, almonds and feta cheese. Or maybe with bacon and mushrooms. Sigh.


Anonymous said…
I am right there with you. I was so sad last week when they told me there would not be spinach on my pizza.
Jenny said…
I've had spinach lasagna and wilted spinach and spinach salad in my head all week also.
skyeJ said…
Why don't you just soak your spinach in bleach water for 15min? That's what I have to do with all my produce, unless I peel it. 2tbsp bleach in 4L of water, it's suppposed to kill everything! Haven't been sick yet from produce at my house.
SenecaSis said…
In response to skyej's suggestion: WOW! Until now I had no idea that bleaching one's food was actually a socially acceptable practice of decontaminating one's edibles. And there's even a recipie for it!

I say this because quite a few years ago, The Earl--my housemate of many years, once rinsed and soaked the chicken that we barbequed. As we were eating dinner I noticed an "extra clean taste". It was then that he'd told me about our meal's pre-cooking bath. The Earl explained that he had left the chicken out to defrost earlier that day. But that he had forgotten about it, so it had ended up sitting out on the counter in the warm, tropical summer for an extra long time. He was worried about salmonella. However, instead of following the direction to soak for 15 minutes, I believe our chicken took a nice leisurely bath of 1/2 an hour.

Actually, I don't think The Earl realized that a recipie for bleaching foods existed. When I asked him why in the world would he think to soak chicken in bleach, his response was simply: bleach cleans the bathroom, it ought to clean the chicken...

Actually, it wasn't all that bad--after a few bites you didn't really notice the hint of chlorox at all. And most importantly, we didn't get sick, or die.

Guys. I guess sometimes there is a reason to their madness.
Anonymous said…
Oooooh, that salad sounds good. I've been making do with romaine, but my feta really wants to be reunited with the spinach as soon as possible.

My kids have welcomed the ban with shouts of joy. Typical.
Melyngoch said…
I encountered something called spinach brownies this week. They were really good. (No brownie, just spinach and cheese.) Then it occured to me that they might have killed me.
N.F. said…
I too had a craving for a spinach salad. I had even bought a bag the day before the news broke.

I've decided to channel my love for spinach salads into something else:

broccoli salad.

With cashews, bacon bits, onions, dates, apples -- YUM.
Anonymous said…
Mmm. Bacon. You can keep your spinach, though. I'm no Pop Eye.
Th. said…

Oh that sounds good....
Th. said…

Skye--does it taste chloriney?
skyeJ said…
Nope! Our Peace Corps doctors said to do this to kill any bacteria that might have made it's way onto our produce. People here don't always use the bathroom in a toilet. I frequently find piles of human poop just off to the side of the road, or behind my house, or just lying in a field. I've even glanced down an alleyway to see some guy squatting. And, some feel it is appropriate to fertilize gardens with "night soil". Human feces. Yes. I am completely serious. That's why I'm here as a Hygiene and Sanitation Volunteer. That name isn't just window dressing. I usually soak my produce in bleach water, then rinse it with my tap water because it's treated with chlorine tablets in the water tank it comes from. I wouldn't rinse it with untreated water, but you all living in the US of A with your Food and Drug Administration ought to be fine rinsing with tap water. Enjoy the spinach! It's probably really cheap right now. ;-)

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