Saturday in Seattle

As Master Fob stated, we really are becoming groovy people. Yesterday morning we decided to try walking over to the library. I was a little nervous because it's a mile and a half away and I've been in pretty bad shape for the last few years. But, we made it in a little less than half and hour and I didn't die on any of the enormous hills. We actually didn't spend very long in the library because once you get S-Boogie out of the stroller it's quite difficult to get her back in. We did pick up some new books and a cool new Veggie Tales: Lord of the Beans (watch out for Lord Scaryman and his army of Sporks!). After the library we went to the park across the street and ate our picnic lunch, then stopped by the Saturday morning farmer's market on our way home. The farmer's market was really cool, but the only thing we bought was a loaf of bread. We'll come back next week with a little more cash. Yesterday afternoon we got our washing machine hooked up and we bought a dining table from a nice guy on craigslist. It was a really good Saturday. My kitchen is unpacked, I have a dining table and a working washing machine, and I now have a library card. Life is good.


Earth Sign Mama said…
Isn't it great when the "little things" can be so satisfying? It sounds to me like you're going to have a great time living there! Farmer's Market! Library! Washing machine! Cool...groovy indeed.
JB said…
The kitchen stuff and the library card certainly are the most important aspects of getting settled in. Sounds like a nice Saturday, too. :)
Desmama said…
There are a few things I simply refuse to live without, and a library (and a card) are one (two?) of them. I finished two of the books you recommended a while back--Peace Like a River and The Time Traveler's Wife.
Melyngoch said…
Aren't liberaly farmers-market-ed college locations the best?

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