First Day

Last night was my first time teaching my class. It went pretty well and I think I like this group. So far it's pretty small and they are all female, but there were a few people on the list who weren't there last night. I'm also nervous because two girls want to drop because they didn't realize the time and expense involved in taking Spanish "just for fun". Um, it is a college class, and it's worth five credits, so it will be a lot of work. Anyways, I'm really enjoying teaching again and I think this is the perfect fit for me. I'm struggling a little adjusting from teaching for 50 minutes every day to 2 and a half hours twice a week. It's especially hard during the first few weeks because we can only repeat "saquen un boligrafo" and "no tengo bigote" so many times without going nuts. The book is also set up differently, but I still like it. One thing I like about it is the fact that it comes with an instructor's manual, an entire packet of tests (complete with audio CDs), a "resource kit" on CD-ROM that has worksheets, games, overheads and stuff like that, supplementary videos, and a bunch of other stuff that makes my life a lot easier. I think it's going to be a fun quarter.


Earth Sign Mama said…
I'm happy to hear that you got there and found it do-able. That is a relief for you, I'm sure. Yeah! P.S. I LOVE my teaching job this year, too.
Mrs. Hass-Bark said…
I'm so happy to that!! I can't wait to hear more about how the quarter turns out.
Desmama said…
You don't have a beard? I didn't think you did, and I can't even see you, but, um, color me confused. Is that some sort of vocabulary practice?
Cricket said…
Yahoo! Congrats!
Kristeee said…
That's so great that you're happy and excited about your job. Your students already know more Spanish than I do (I was educated on Sesame Street - where Placido Flamingo sings about "peligro!").

I once took Calculus 113 "for fun" because I missed math and its one-correct-answer-ness (I was an MFHD/Psych major). Only then I realized that it had no application in my life and I didn't care enough about spinning shapes around axes and their volume to take a quiz every Friday. Thank goodness for the ability to drop!
ambrosia ananas said…
That does sound fun. Glad you're enjoying it.
Kengo Biddles said…
Beards are annoying, I have to say. :)
Good luck. I always have nightmares before I begin teaching school. In these dreams, my clothes are always hideous (if I'm actually wearing any) and I'm never on time. The school is a maze of corridors and stairs. My classes always have about twice as many people as they are supposed to and most of them are my worst students from previous years. The only way to make myself heard is to scream at them. As I got to talking with some other teachers this year, I realized that almost all of them had the same kind of dreams before beginning a new year. It must be a junior high teacher thing. Our subconscious gives us terrible nightmares so the reality seems deceptively easy.

My other recurring nightmare is that I cannot graduate from college because I'm one math class shy. It turns out I've registered for the class and forgotten to attend all quarter. WHO TAKES CALCULUS FOR FUN??? SICK. SICK. SICK.
Kailey said…
Foxy, I stumbled across your blog through Heather and Dan's. I hope you don't mind. I have to admit, I find your blog SO fun and much more real than most of the others... even my own. Most of the girls I know are doing theirs to keep in touch and I consider them more like "brag-blogs". Anyway, I love your confessions. I have had very similar experiences to all of yours...except the incidnet behind the bush, BUT, I wouldn't put it past me to do it some day too. I am excited for you that you get to teach a spanish class. I am taking one this quarter. Maybe we could do lunch and have a charlar while you laugh at me as I make up words like "jugo de vaca" because I can't remember the word for milk at the moment. Think I'm ready? Ugh! Anyway, you are a real cool chick! You can check out my "brag-blog" anytime you want:
Earth Sign Mama said…
Oh, Science Teacher mommy--it's not just Jr. High. I've taught 4th grade for 12 years now and I ALWAYS have the nightmare. I'm not wearing clothes or at least enough clothes; I've forgotten to come during the prep days and so my room isn't ready; all of my students speak some other language; I can't get through the halls to find my room because of crowding or remodeling...It's a relief to finally start the real school just because none of those things will actually happen.
ESM--Yes! Another kindred spirit!
Anonymous said…
Congratulations Jessie! I am sure you will be a great teacher. Can I come and be one of your students?

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