True Confessions

Because I'm avoiding writing the syllabus for my class and because this blog has become too boring lately.

1. Even though I'm morally opposed to junk food and I'm trying to cut down on processed foods, I'm in love with Cheetos. I adore them.

2. I also think I have a crush on Gwen Stefani. She is so cool. Her name is Gwen and I love that name. And she breastfeeds her kids in public. Not to mention the fact that she makes awesome music and wears funky clothes.

3. When we were at a beach in Hawaii that didn't have a bathroom, I hid behind some bushes and changed my tampon. I've never done that before.

4. My first semester teaching I had a girl in my class who was in a wheelchair and had a helper dog. They sat up at the front of the class every day. One day I had really bad gas and I just couldn't keep it in, so I let a bit slip out. At the end of class a girl sitting up front turned and said to the dog "Misty, you are so stinky today!". I didn't say anything.

5. I buy candy bars, eat them in the car, and hide the wrappers so Mr. Fob won't find out. Maybe that's why my diet plans never work.

6. I will never really become a vegetarian because I love ham too much. And bacon

7. I giggle every time I sing the line "No mortal care shall seize thy breast" in the hymnbook.


Kengo Biddles said…
7; I have to refrain from acting that one out on Miki...I'm such a bad, bad, bad bad man...
Mindy said…
I think your confessions are funny! I think mine would probably be too boring to post, but now I'll be thinking about it.
Mrs. Hass-Bark said…
I'll never be a vegetarian either, but not because of ham. I hate ham. But I love steak.
Courtney said…
Cheetos are amazing.
Earth Sign Mama said…
Once a kid asked me in Primary if we would eat in Heaven. We discussed various scripture things that included that topic, but really came to no good conclusion. However, I was thinking "How can it be HEAVEN if there isn't any bacon???"
Cricket said…
Awesome! thank you for sharing
I too have hidden the candy bar wrappers. But doesn't Mr. Fob read your blog? The gig is up. French fries, however, are the real downfall of this wishes she could lose 20 pounds girl.
PS On my mission, I had to bite back laughter every time we read the Alma faith chapters with our investigators, "And when you shall feel this swelling in your breast . . ." It sounds like puberty.
Carina said…
I love Gwen, especially since she's still nursing her toddler.

Always blame the dog unless you don't have a dog. That's when you blame the baby.

I could give up beef and chicken. I could never give up pig in any form (I think they take away your Spanish citizenship if you renounce pig.)
Lady Steed said…
I too love Cheetos. The Fire Cheetos are my very favorite...mmmmmmm
Anonymous said…
Enjoyed everything but #3. I'm sorry, but being a guy, that's way too much information.
JB said…
I hide candy bars and other snacks too. I think if I were to take an "are you an alcoholic" test and substitute "alcohol" for "snacks" I would test positively. . . :?

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