9 Days of Christmas Memories

One of the fun things about visiting my parent's house was the opportunity to see all of my mom's nativity sets. She's a big fan of "Jesus is the reason for the season" and has collected sets for years.

This is a set I made for her when I was ten years old. I remember that for years during high school I was deeply embarrassed when she would show it off to people. All I could see were the imperfections (like the cardboard sheep with one leg). The funny thing is, seeing it for the first time in at least six or seven years, I was impressed with how well it was made. Heck, I was 10 and I came up with it all by myself. I guess I must be growing up after all.

This is the set I bought for my mom when I was in Spain. Truthfully I'm a little jealous, since I didn't buy one for myself. But I have a cool set from Hawaii and hopefully some day I'll get back to Spain and can buy myself a new one. I also need to buy some turron--I've never been able to find any here in the US.

This is a fun one my mom's friend made for her.
The funny thing is, as I was looking at it I kept thinking about making one for myself. I'm terrible at crafts and my sewing machine doesn't even work. Plus there's the whole teaching/going back to school thing. But this really gets my crafty urges going.


FoxyJ said…
I'm sorry about the weird formatting. I was trying to fix it and it just wasn't working.
Desmama said…
Those are really neat! My MIL collects nativities as well. Since she travels with the Tab Choir, she's gotten several from other countries, and my BIL just got back from a business trip to Spain and brought her a Lladro nativity. I was so jealous when I saw it. The only Lladro I bought when I was there was for my mom, and now I wish I'd gotten some for myself.
Mindy said…
My mom also collects nativities. She has some fun ones from her world travels. I love the one you made!
Lady Steed said…
You are not alone--I so very badly want to make a little felt nativity set the kids can play with. But where the heck am I every going to find the time to do that?

Love the one you made--you clearly have crafting skills!

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