Appetite for destruction

Why does she have to ruin all of her cute clothes? Today S-Boogie was wearing her very cute blue-striped shirt and matching blue pants. And she just colored all over them with bright yellow highlighter. Sigh. Can't she ruin some of the stuff that's already ugly?


Cricket said…
at least she's going for a monochromatic theme!

I always sort of dread putting BabyT in cute clothes cuz I know it gets messed everytime.

Have you seen the new Tide stain remover pen? I got one for my own clothes and I keep it i the diaper bag. I had to use it on BabyT the other day and since it looks like a bright orange marker it looked like I was coloring on her clothes with a marker. I can just see her doing it thinking it's okay cuz mommy did it!
AmyJane said…
So, while I wait to actually have a baby, I've been reading every book ever written on child raising, baby care, nursing/working name it. The latest interesting one is called "Raising a Happy, Unspoiled Child," and is like a part II to a book called "The First Three Years of Life." Anyway, as with all of these books, lots of the stiff they say is crap but occasionally it seems smart and right thinking. The big premise of this book is that from 10 months to 2 1/2 years is like this big preview of adolescence and testing everything possible to learn wht kind of reactions you wille get to any given behavior. The author maintains that if parents do a good job of reacting to all the mishaps of toddlerhood, they win the grand prize of a nice, fun child at around age three and for the next ten years of so, until real adolescence hits. And if they do a bad job, well then best of luck to them after the baby turns three.
So, my point (and I have one!) is that your darling just needs to see what happens when she destroys nice stuff. That's all. Now, don't you feel better? :)
FoxyJ said…
Well, the highlighter actually washed out quite nicely after soaking over night. So I feel a little better about the shirt. I understand letting toddlers explore, but day after day of unrelenting destruction wears on your nerves after a while. Pretty much everything we own has been balanced on top of bookcases for the last year...
Desmama said…
Pretty much everything we own has been balanced on top of bookcases for the last year...

I am with you! We are right there with ours, and she's only 20 months old. Oh, how I empathize.

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