My 2 minutes of fame

After I got back from my presidency meeting this morning there was a message on the phone from the secretary of an office on campus. I actually listened to it a few times before I realized that I had no idea whose office it was, and decided that I might as well call back. I think I was nervous because I received a somewhat threatening email from the graduate coordinator reminding us that it shouldn't take longer than 2 years to complete the program and that they are going to start monitoring grad students more closely. Well, to get back to the original story, I called and the woman informed me that she was assistant to the "Associate Academic Vice President" and that Dr. Rosenberg had suggested that I give the opening prayer at next week's forum. I was a little surprised (pleasantly surprised, of course) and immediately said yes. So I get to sit on the stand, say the prayer, and ride in a golf cart to the hosting center for a luncheon afterwards. Wow.

The forum is being given by the illustrious
Ed Friedman , former president of the Cervantes Society of America and renowned Spanish scholar. He will, of course, be speaking about one of the greatest books ever written, Don Quijote. For those of you who are not aware, the Quijote was first published in 1605, so this year is the 400th anniversary. BYU is having a big symposium this week and Dr. Friedman is the keynote speaker. There are also exhibits at the Museum of Art and at Special Collections in the library, and of course I recommend them both. I feel a little hypocritical urging people to come to the forum, since I generally skip them. But come see Ed Friedman, and more importantly, come see me.

I do have two issues to ponder before Tuesday. What should I wear? Most of my dresses are rather frumpy and not very "grad student/serious scholar" looking. Actually, most of my clothes are rather frumpy...

Also, is it OK to tape the forum for my parents? It's not like I'm speaking or anything, I'm giving a prayer. I feel a little weird taping myself giving a prayer, but I know they would love to see me on TV.


Desmama said…
I think you should tape it. I think you'd regret it if you didn't. It's kind of cool you get to do that!

I suppose I ought to read Quijote one of these days, but I remember Dr. Rosenberg saying that it was much better in its original Spanish, and I just don't know if I could get through it in that. I might wimp out and try to find an English translation.

Kudos to you again for being chosen.
JB said…
Wow two congrats! You're just having all kinds of great stuff going on! :)
Anonymous said…
Congrats on 2 counts - in one day!!!
Anonymous said…
Wear fishnets.

And I thought it was Quiksote.

And espeically make sure to tape it if you wear fishnets.
FoxyJ said…
Alas, I have no fishnets and no time to procure them. We were discussing the possiblities of my dressing like Don Quijote, or one of the many prostitutes from the book, but decided against it. I am trying to find something that doesn't constrict my waist and induce nausea, but it's proving surprisingly difficult.

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