A breakthrough

I have a little confession: I have really not been very excited about being pregnant. I know I posted a while ago about feeling very baby hungry, but those feelings wore off and we decided to wait for a while. I made some plans for next summer and got very excited about them. But, we didn't really do much to prevent pregnancy, although I really didn't think our timing was right when it happened. So, no, not really a surprise, but not what I was expecting either. And I have spent the last few weeks feeling exhausted, nauseated, and constipated pretty much all the time.

But, last night I saw someone on campus walking around with her cute little snuggly baby wrapped up in a flannel blanket and I thought "Hey, I want one of those!". I really did. And then when I got home S-Boogie came running up to me and shouted "Mama, hooray!" and I thought "I could have 2 little people that shout 'hooray' every time they see me". So, yeah, I think I'm getting a little more excited about the whole thing. Now I just need to get over feeling nauseated and constipated all the time. Food doesn't want to go in, but once it does, it never wants to come out again. Sigh.


Th. said…

I'm not easily excited in the best of circumstances and I suspect that I burned most of mine up the first time around as well.

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