Random Thoughts

I'm really going to hate myself tomorrow for blogging instead of going to bed, but I needed two share two random stories precipitated by posts on other people's blogs.

Miss Hass posted a story involving giant spiders in her apartment. Recently we had an encounter with a spider in our kitchen. I was cooking and I turned around to see S-Boogie crouched on the floor next to a very large spider. She was very excited about it and even started singing "itsy bitsy spider" to it. It was all very cute and I thought it was neat that she didn't seem to have any fear of spiders. But then I realized that it looked kind of like a hobo spider, and I should probably get rid of it. I tried to get it onto a piece of paper, but it wouldn't cooperate. So I squished it. I probably also squished a lot of S-Boogie's wonderful love of spiders too; I felt horrible about killing something right in front of my daughter. And then she spent the rest of the evening saying "bye bye spider" very sadly.

Savvymom posted about dealing with poop in the tub. This reminded me of the fact that when I was 5 or 6 (way too old to be pooping in the bathtub) I had a little accident while bathing. Being the bright child that I was, I hid it under the bathroom rug and then blamed it on my little brother when my mom found it. My family will never let me forget this story and they bring it up often. No matter what else I may accomplish in life, it will be overshadowed by the fact that I pooped in the tub, hid it under the rug, and lied about it.


Mrs. Hass-Bark said…
bye-bye spider... SPLAT!!!

Also, I laughed outloud when I read about the poodie under the rug. That's hysterical.
FoxyJ said…
Hey, east, I'm pretty sure I know who you are ;) Feel welcome to read and find out all about me...
Cricket said…
we will never let my sister live down the time she and my cousin set a gas station on fire... or the time she had my mom chasing her with a frying down the street in her bathrobe... or the time....

Families are great, aren't they?!!
Kristen said…
I just have to say, that when I saw the title of your blog I actually thought, "Damn. Why the hell didn't I think of that?"

I'm eating my hat.
Melyngoch said…
Maybe instead of losing her fondness for spiders, she'll develop a fear of you, and the possibility that you might squash her!
JB said…
I agree with Special K (who I'm about 90% sure I have met and/or had a class with in real life) that your blog title is brilliant. Especially since you're married with kid(s).
skyeJ said…
Hey, remember that time you put your poop under the rug and blamed it on Daniel? Hey, remember that?

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