Clueless or Callous?

Today a student walked by me wearing a shirt that said "Don't mess with the crazy person." Either he hasn't been watching the news this week or he's exceptionally rude.


Desmama said…
My vote is for callous. I don't know how one couldn't know what happened, more particularly if one is a student.
AmyJane said…
Ugh. Either way... not too bright. The whole campus of UNR was shut down this morning thanks to some idiot students phoning in copycat threats. What a sick way to buy yourself a three day weekend.
Melyngoch said…
I'd actually go with clueless; surely he knows about the hardest-to-miss current events, but that might not have been what he was thinking about while he was getting dressed this morning.
Stephen said…
Never ascribe to malice what ignorance can explain ...

Tolkien Boy said…
I wore orange and maroon today in silent commemoration.

A student at the test I proctored leaned over to his girlfriend and whispered, "Does he know how bad that clashes?"

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