What is a week-end?

Today at work I had the 'what did you do this weekend?' conversation with two different people, and none of us could remember anything that had happened. Apparently the first weekend in November is not exciting for anyone. I didn't have the kids on Friday night because Saturday was Mr. Fob's birthday and he wanted to celebrate with them. I got home late because I stopped for groceries after work, and then I just watched a few episodes of a TV show on Netflix. I've been really binging on crime shows this year; I have a lot of movies I'd love to watch, but keep coming back to television instead.

Saturday morning P.Bibby had a rehearsal for a play she is in at school later this week. They had asked parents to come help make things for the set, so Little Dude and I stayed for a few hours to construct paper palm trees and paint cardboard grass. We all came home and had lunch, and I prodded people into doing a few chores like putting away laundry. Then we went over to the mall for a bit because the two older kids needed new shoes. S-Boogie had a gift card for Coldstone and she treated us to ice cream, but none of us could finish our bowls because for some reason the guy behind the counter was way too generous in his servings. 

We came home and P.Bibby helped me cook dinner. We've all been craving chicken pot pie for a while, and S-Boogie is on a soft food diet for a few weeks to help her jaw. I save all my extensive cooking projects for weekends, and I didn't regret the time it took to make pot pie because it was delicious. Afterwards the kids wanted to watch a movie, so we watched Up because it's been a long time since we last saw it. I had forgotten how good it is. 

I thought that I'd get caught up on sleep Saturday due to the time change. Unfortunately I had trouble getting to sleep and was groggy in the morning. It didn't help that I set the time wrong on my alarm clock and woke up later than usual. We still made it to church mostly on time, although we had to drive and I always feel guilty about driving four minutes to get there. That afternoon I made some pumpkin scones because I had extra pumpkin and buttermilk in the fridge and they seemed like a good idea. I even had self-control and didn't eat all of them while the kids were gone to a family dinner with their dad. 

And that's what we do on the weekend lately--running errands, trying to clean the house, homework, cooking, and movies. Sometimes I think we should be more physically active and do more hiking and other outdoorsy things, but it hasn't happened yet.


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