The 20th Anniversary Rat Cake


Desmama said…
That is so great! What did Sophie think?
FoxyJ said…
Sophie thought the "mouse" cake was pretty cool. When we told her it was a rat cake, she started calling it the "mouse rat". It was yummy too, although I have a hard time getting cake mixes to not turn out super crumbly.
Melyngoch said…
That's absolutely the best rodent-shaped pastry I've ever seen.
Cricket said…
that's great!
Katria said…
Wow! How did you do that?

Looks yummmm!
JB said…
Nicely done!
svoid said…
Jenny said…
How did you get it in the shape of a mouse? I think I want one of those also! I never thought it would be good to eat a rat until today.
FoxyJ said…
It's actually a pretty easy cake to do. I used a cake mix and put it into two round pans. You really only need one round, but it's nice to have a back up or you can always make two rats. Anyways, you take one round of cake, slice it in half, and then stand the halves up on the plate to make a half circle (the cut side is down on the plate). Stick it together with frosting and put lots of frosting on the outside. One cool trick that worked great for me was freezing the cake round for about an hour before cutting it in half. Frozen cake doesn't crumble, and by the time you've frosted it, it's thawed out again and tastes fine. The cookies I used for the ears were a little big so they kept falling off. I also used spaghetti for the whiskers, gumdrops for the eyes and nose and a Twizzler "strawberry rope" for the tail. I remember one year we made a cake with white frosting and put coconut on it to make fur. It was cute.
Katria said…
This I will have to remember
skyeJ said…
I CANNOT believe it's been twenty years of rats!!! I feel a little old. :-) LONG LIVE RATS!!! (and long live Robin Hood, hooray!!!)
Earth Sign Mama said…
EXCELLENT rat cake! (It is hard to not have crumbly cakes from cake mix...) I'm so glad Sophie is being properly indoctrinated toward rat ownership...Rat Day was declared by you because it was the day you brought Rattie home from school. I did go out and buy the cage, etc. And eventually I overcame my natural revulsion and learned to love them, too--as long as I was never surprised by a rattie--advance warning that a rattie was coming to see me was the key. Random, feral rodents? Still lower than rocks.

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