4 weeks and counting

Four weeks from today I will have a baby. Quite honestly, I haven't been really excited about it for most of this pregnancy. I don't know why, and I really hope this kid doesn't read this sometime in the future and hate me. Right now, though, I'm feeling pretty excited about it and looking forward to June 14th. This afternoon Master Fob and I went to a breastfeeding class and got a refresher on proper latching and all those other fun things. It was interesting and I think it helped me get more into "baby mode" than I have been for a while. I realized today that since we don't have to buy anything for the baby and we aren't setting up anything until the last possible minute due to space restrictions and our destructo-toddler, it hasn't seemed very "real". OK, my bulgy, writhing tummy and swollen feet are pretty real, but the fact that a baby is going to come out of there some day isn't. Then after the breastfeeding class we stopped by the hospital to visit some friends who just had their first little one yesterday. And she was very little-just over 5 pounds, since she arrived two weeks early. But very cute and very sweet. And I remembered that newborns aren't that scary, even if they do need to eat every two hours. I think I want one of my own.

I also really want some chocolate chip cookies, but it's super hot in our apartment already and I'm not sure I want to go turn on the oven. But, then again, I only have four more weeks to cater to my cravings, so why not?


Katria said…
Albertson's has their bakery fresh chocolate chip cookies on sale this week.
I have cookie dough in my freezer, and I can bring you some cookies so you don't have to heat up your kitchen. Probably not tomorrow, but Friday, I have Friday off. If you can wait that long. :)
AmyJane said…
Yay for the baby! I'm glad you're feeling more into it now, although I keep hearing people say that it's harder to get all hyped up about number 2. Maybe it's cause you already know the sleep deprivation that is about to come your way...
FoxyJ said…
Absent--I did actually break down and bake cookies last night. They were good, even if it meant staying up a little late to make them. Poor Master Fob is having a difficult time dieting while living with me lately :) Thanks for the offer though, I appreciate it :)
Jenny said…
I wish there was a way to make cookies in the crock pot so it didn't heat up the kitchen. I have that same problem so I've been eating raw cookie dough lately....

Reading your blog takes me back 5 months to when I had 4 weeks to go. I felt like that could've been written by me, only you have way better grammar and all the words and things were spelled right!

Every day I am surprised when I look at Ethan and realize how important he is to me because the entire time I was pregnant I was less than thrilled about.

I hope you get some good sleep the next few weeks!
Melyngoch said…
Yeah, the phrase "proper latching" doesn't bring vampires to mind AT ALL.

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