Happy Rat Day!

No, this is not a nationally celebrated holiday of the type that Absent-minded Secretary should be listing on her blog. It is, or was, however, a major event in my house while I was growing up. When I was in first grade, our classroom had a variety of animals, including rats. Then one glorious day, the rats had babies. If we got parental permission, we could bring home a baby rat of our very own to raise and love! I thought that this was a fabulous idea, although my mother really didn't think so at all. She grew up on a farm, where rodents fall somewhere lower than rocks on the scale of God's creations. Luckily I was able to convince my dad, and so I got a nice little cage and water bottle and brought home my very first rat, whom I named Eskimo Pie because of her black and white coloring. Since Eskimo Pie is a somewhat awkward name, she quickly became simply "Ratty" and was one of my best friends for the next few years until she broke her leg and had to be put to sleep. Until I graduated from high school I had a succession of rats, often two at a time, and most were named after foods (Caramel, Sunflower Seed, Fudgie, Coconut, etc.) I think rats make great pets for children: they are clean, smart, big enough to handle some squeezing and to not get lost easily, and very affectionate.

Rat Day originated a year after I got Ratty. We needed to have a birthday party for her, since she was an important part of the family. As a child, I was really into planning parties and other celebrations, like wedding receptions for my stuffed animals. I'm not sure how we figured out that May 10 was Ratty's birthday; maybe it really was, or maybe it was the day I brought her home. I don't really remember. But my talented mother was able to figure out how to make a rat shaped cake, and so every year on May 10th we celebrated Rat Day with a beautiful cake and presents of empty tissue boxes and crackers for the rats. Maybe tomorrow I will make a rat cake, since I don't have time or supplies tonight...


Katria said…
My family once owned a rat for a glorious 2 hours.
AmyJane said…
How cute are you!!? Although I cannot get on board with rodents of any type, sorry to say. My poor kids will be lucky if they ever see a fishtank, let alone pets that run around... I'm a sissy about animal care.
Anonymous said…
I love rats too! Happy rat day!

Did your rats ever catch and eat moths? It's pretty awesome to watch.
Anonymous said…
Late Happy Rats' Day!
skyeJ said…
VERY late Happy Rat Day!!! I'll have you know, I DID remember it was Rat Day, even all the way in Morocco. Nothing too special happened here, however. I didn't even see any rats. I don't think I've even seen a mouse here, yet. :-(

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