The longest trip to editorgirl's house ever

On Sunday evening we went to editorgirl's house to watch a movie, and I just barely came home today. I should probably be lying down instead of blogging, but Master Fob is at Target picking up my Percocet so I might as well be uncomfortable and blogging instead of lying in bed feeling uncomfortable. So yeah, most of you have read what Master Fob posted for me, and hopefully some of you read his nice gory post about what happened. And there are some cute pictures of the baby on S-Boogie's blog, just remember that I felt as bad as I looked in that one picture of me.

Basically, I feel bad now for ignoring my nagging feeling last weekend that something was wrong and that I should get my crampiness checked out. Instead, I kept going and went ahead with my weekend plans. On Sunday night we went over to editorgirl's to enjoy a movie and chocolate cake (I'm also glad I didn't have a second piece of cake, since the first one barely stayed in my stomach). About 9 o'clock I suddenly felt a very weird "popping" feeling and a gush of something in my pants. I immediately jumped off the couch onto the plastic doormat and said "Um, I think my water broke". And of course everyone turned around to look at me and realized at about the same time I did that my hands and my pants were covered in blood, not amniotic fluid. So we grabbed a towel, slipped on my shoes, and I waddled rapidly to the car. Thankfully we were literally a minute from the emergency room, so we screeched to a halt in front, jumped out, grabbed a nurse and a wheelchair, and bolted for the fifth floor.

Surprisingly, everyone else was there was pretty calm. Calm, but quick and efficient. And they all perked up a lot when I revealed that my sister had just quick working there--I was famous, and so was my uterus, since they'd heard about it before. So, within an hour of getting to the hospital I was in surgery, trying not to throw up from a combination of nervousness, shock, and the anesthesia. Apparently my placenta decided to come off early, which is a very bad thing because it is attached to many blood vessels. Baby Little Dude (we did decide on a name, but that's his blog name) came out rather large and screaming, so he was no worse for the wear. And after they got everything cleaned up and stiched up, I was fine too.

I'm actually feeling a little better with my second c-section than I did with the first. I just need to remember to take it easy and not lift anything for a few weeks. I'm still kind of in shock that I am not pregnant anymore and that I have a baby. It's not even June yet. I'm just glad that we were so blessed. I don't even want to think about all the other places that I could have been when this happened, since I'm so glad I was where I was. Maybe I should find a new recipe for caramel popcorn, or at least put a warning on it for pregnant women to stay away...


Tolkien Boy said…
Was it the carmel popcorn? What a medical breakthrough!

I should eat more...I've always wanted kids...
Katria said…
SO glad you and Baby are OK! And home. Home is good.
AmyJane said…
Hey, you seem to be doing great! Congrats on your beautiful baby and your new birthing story to tell--crazy!
Desmama said…
I'm still kind of in shock that I am not pregnant anymore and that I have a baby. It's not even June yet.

It probably goes without saying that I'm the tiniest bit jealous--not with the excitement of the birth (rather, I'm very glad you're all okay), but . . . you know . . . you were due after me . . . and I'm still prego.


But I am happy for you that all went well. My little sister assisted in a C-section the other night at that hospital, but I don't think it was yours. Judd and Gordon were the doctors.
Lady Steed said…
I can't believe you are home already!

That's so funny that you are famous at Utah Valley. i can just imagine: "Hey everyone, it's the lady with the abnormal uterus!" And then they all come rushing over to see you. Hey, maybe you got better treatment becasue of it!

Good luck with the recovery. Wish we were there to bring you some casserole, or sandwiches, or something.
M. Hatch said…

And your little one can grow up to boast that he was born more abnormally than 99% of the population. Cool, but scary.

Rest well.
Th. said…

Honestly? When I think of Foxy J, it takes a lot of effort to think of anything other than her uterus.

Tell Timmo hi for us!
Unknown said…
Timothy is a fabulous name. Glad you're both home safe.
FoxyJ said…
Hey TexMom--my section was on Sunday night with Gordon and Judd. It was about 10 pm. I was the one bleeding all over the place, and I'm Skye's sister. Your sister might know my sister...
Cricket said…
Congrats again and again! I like the name choice :)
skyeJ said…
HEY TEXAS MAMA, who's your sister???? If she works at UVRMC I TOTALLY KNOW HER. Foxy can give you my email.

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