Baby Fob

Master Fob here:

Foxy wanted me to post an announcement here that Baby Fob is alive and well. He was born last night after a ruptured placenta and an emergency c-section. He's 7 lbs. 1 oz. and 19" (unless that's a ridiculous length for a newborn, in which case he's some other length ending in -9). We'll post pictures later.

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.


Tolkien Boy said…
Congratulations, Foxy! I'm glad to hear that everyone's alive and that you're recovering well. Here's hoping you're up and feeling like your old self again soon.
Cicada said…
Congratulations! I feel like I've been a part of this, from the pregnancy test until now!
Desmama said…
Oh, yay! I am so happy he's here! Please keep us updated on everything! Many, many congrats!
Katria said…
Props to the Mother of BabyFob as well! Hope you recover quickly.
Congratulations! Sounds like it was an exciting entrance for your new little one. I hope that you are feeling all back to normal soon so you can enjoy your new baby. Sending love and prayers to you and yours.
Jenny said…
I hope you're ok! Congratulations!
JB said…
Congrats, FoxyJ!
AmyJane said…
Yay for Baby Fob and Foxy J!
Cricket said…
Glad everyone is well!! Congratulations!!!!!

He's big for being a few weeks early, WOW!!
Grats! It's a good thing she made all those casseroles when she did!!
Melyngoch said…
Sure it's not 39"?
Nemesis said…
Congratulations, I'm so glad you made it there quickly! I hope you have lots of people to spoil you while you recover. If I were in UT I would bring you a Mormon casserole of some kind! :-)
Unknown said…
I agree, perfect timing on the casserole making. Congrats on the new undoubtedly very cute baby!
Mrs. Hass-Bark said…
Congratulations! I can't wait to hear all about the baby.
Th. said…

Gee whiz. It didn't occur to me someone might have posted for you and now I'm number fifteen.

Well, congratulations anyway....

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