Club Penguin ate my kids
Last week was Spring Break for the kids, but unfortunately not for me. It was my second-to-last week of class and I felt too burned out and busy to think of fun stuff to do with them. Instead, they ended up watching a whole lot of television and spending a lot of time on the computer playing Club Penguin. I figured that we would make up for it this week when they got back in to school. This week is also my last week of class and so I have a bit of down time. I made a lot of plans for stuff I would do to get 'back on track'. I should have known better. Tuesday morning started out well; we went to playgroup and then ran an errand at Target. Then after P. Bibby's nap I put her in her high chair for a snack; much to her distress, and mine, she started throwing up. I was hoping it was a fluke, but as the afternoon went on she was obviously not getting better. Even worse, I started feeling more and more disgusting. Tuesday was the worst evening for this sort of situation becaus...