Club Penguin ate my kids

Last week was Spring Break for the kids, but unfortunately not for me. It was my second-to-last week of class and I felt too burned out and busy to think of fun stuff to do with them. Instead, they ended up watching a whole lot of television and spending a lot of time on the computer playing Club Penguin.

I figured that we would make up for it this week when they got back in to school. This week is also my last week of class and so I have a bit of down time. I made a lot of plans for stuff I would do to get 'back on track'. I should have known better.

Tuesday morning started out well; we went to playgroup and then ran an errand at Target. Then after P. Bibby's nap I put her in her high chair for a snack; much to her distress, and mine, she started throwing up. I was hoping it was a fluke, but as the afternoon went on she was obviously not getting better. Even worse, I started feeling more and more disgusting. Tuesday was the worst evening for this sort of situation because I was hosting my book group. Well, I had to abandon my plans because the virus incubating in my gut took over. I spent Tuesday night tossing and turning in bed, in between trips to the bathroom, and had to flake out on my class Wednesday morning (it was their last day too!).

Thankfully I've been feeling better today; unfortunately S-Boogie woke up early this morning covered in vomit. So far Little Dude is the only who has been untouched and he has enjoyed unlimited Club Penguin time during the last few days. I just worry that tomorrow will be another day of disrupted plans due to illness.


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