Today's Random Thoughts

or, all the Facebook updates that I could have written, but I don't want to be one of those people that posts a million times a day about random things.

This morning the kids were with their dad and I had plenty of time to get ready. But, we were still a little late to church. Oops. After the kids got here we decided to print off some of the activities from the new copy of the Friend magazine so we wouldn't have fights about who got to use it at church, and printing several different PDFs and needing to change the ink cartridge ending up taking a while. Oh well--everyone was entertained and happy at church.

After the first prayer on the sacrament ended, P.Bibby excitedly said "I need to go to class!" and got ready to go. She was very, very sad when I told her it wasn't time yet, and we had to go out in the hall to calm down for a while. She really, really loves her nursery class (and her teachers are great) and I love the fact that she is so enthusiastic about going to class every week.

We had two great talks in sacrament meeting, including one from a young man who recently returned from a mission. He actually grew up in South Carolina and his parents moved here while he was gone, and he told a funny story about trying to find the stake center and having the exact same experience that I did when I first moved here. Yes, there are three stake centers within a block of each other. We are spoiled.

This afternoon I made the kids clean up the basement playroom before they could have computer time. I don't usually like to do cleaning like that on Sunday, but they weren't here yesterday and the basement was truly abominable. I'm really hoping to get a job some time soon that will allow me to be home when the kids are home more often; lately I feel like I'm at work when they're here and home when they are at school. I've decided that if I haven't found an 'ideal' job by July, I'll start applying for 'any' job so I can have a more regular, full-time schedule by the time school starts in the fall. I also think I need to cut back on their extra activities; I didn't think S-Boogie had too many things going on, but she's got something almost every day after school and I don't like it.

My home teachers came over this afternoon and we had a nice visit. They are excited to help assemble the playground I bought with my Jeopardy! money. I think putting it together will be kind of fun, but it is also a daunting project. The playground parts were delivered in a giant wooden crate that came on the back of a truck earlier this week, so I have a feeling it's going to take an hour or two just to get everything unpacked and sorted.

After church I noticed that P.Bibby had a pretty bad rash on her neck and under her chin. I finally figured out that I had put a new shirt on under her dress and had not washed the shirt first, so it must have been irritating her. She has slightly sensitive skin but I've never noticed her being bothered by her clothes before. I hope it's just that the shirt was new and unwashed; I did give her a bath and put some of our new favorite skin cream on it so hopefully it will look better in the morning.

This evening I called my brother about something else and we had a half-hour long conversation about poop. He bought the book I referenced in my last post and he's going to pass the book on to me so I can read the whole thing. Talking with him more really convinced me that getting Little Dude's bathroom habits re-trained could solve a lot of his other issues. I don't know how much fun that will be for either of us, but I'm prepared to bribe him with new Legos if that's what it takes.

Tonight we had Family Home Evening and it was a lot of fun. We used to just put P.Bibby to bed and do it without her, but for the last few months she's been participating and having a great time. Tonight we let her pick the songs and she requested 'snowman' and 'head, shoulders, knees, and toes'. I love the stuff she learns in nursery. S-Boogie was in charge of the lesson and she decided that we needed to write "homonym poems". At first I admit that I tried to get her to do a more spiritual lesson, but then I decided that I didn't care and we just had fun. I wrote "A moose ate eight cups of mousse. Whether the weather was good or bad, he never heard his herd." S-Boogie wrote "Three free witches which ate eight whole donut holes went to the moose's mousse restaurant." The kids thought it was hilarious.

And I really need to go to bed! I say that every night. I spent a lot of time tonight cleaning and preparing for tomorrow. My schedule lately is really intense on Mondays and Tuesdays. Monday morning I teach for an hour, then I work at the library from twelve to nine. Then on Tuesday morning I'm back at the library from nine to two. My week feels really front-loaded. If I can make it through Tuesday the rest of the week feels great, but sometimes those looking at those two days on the calendar makes me stress out. At least there are only four more weeks in the semester. Yay!


Earth Sign Mama said…
Oh, I think that saving all the random thoughts for one long blog is much more entertaining than dribbling it out, bit by bit, on Facebook! P-bibby is becoming quite the little personality, huh? And I love the homonyms creativity. So cool that they know the whole concept so well. Also, the dancing video was terrific!!
Desmama said…
Yeah, I like the compilation of updates, but I like your stuff on FB too. ;) What a cute idea for FHE. It always makes me feel better when someone admits that their FHEs aren't as spiritual as they think they ought to be. Because ours sure aren't! And I need to remind myself that sometimes just having fun together is far more important than any lesson I could (attempt to) give.

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