Happy, Happy Blog-day Foxy Dear

Tomorrow marks the second anniversary of my blog. I had no idea where my life would go when I started this blog, and it's fun for me to read back through the archives and remember feelings and events that I have already forgotten. I think the most surprising thing about blogging that I have discovered is the sense of community. I have about fifty blogs that I follow somewhat regularly; many of them are people I haven't ever met in person. I still consider them to be my friends. I've been very grateful for all the virtual support I've received from so many people who don't really even "know" me.

Miss Nemesis recently celebrated her blog's special day by asking lurkers to come out of the woodwork and reveal who they were and how they found her blog. She got 52 comments. If you want to make my day, see if you can top her numbers. Maybe then I can change my blognym to "Queen of the Universe".


Cricket said…
I'm not a lurker, but I will gladly tell how I found you!

Many moons ago, I was directed to Master FOB's blog by TH whose blog I had found just by clicking "next blog" and commented on regularly.

We had all just started our blogs a couple months apart (I celebrate #2 in August) and TH hooked us up as part of a Mixed Orientation Marriage outreach, LOL!!
Frozen Okie said…
I don't know how I found your blog for sure- either I found you through Master Fob or Master Fob through you- but it was somewhere or some link within the Mormon blogging community ages ago. That was on my old computer and I actually hadn't read either blog in a while.
Recently I somehow stumbled onto Master Fob's blog again and was very saddened to read of your divorce since you two seemed like such a great couple making so many sacrifices to make it work.
I added your blog to my feed reader and have read your updates since then.
Hi, I'm Mr. Fob. I'm just a creepy stalker dude.
Samantha said…
Happy Blogday to the Queen of the Universe!
Lindsay said…
I've commented a couple times, but, for the sake of your blog's birthday, I'll give an official introduction. So...Hello. I'm Lindsay. I can't remember how I found you, but it was a long while ago, and I've enjoyed reading what you have to say. Keep writing!

Happy Birthday, Yellow Wallpaper!
M. Hatch said…
I've commented a couple of times. I just clicked through from some Mormon Blog of someone else I didn't know.

Guiless with great faith, while able to be real and express honest feelings.

I have felt inspired by your handling of difficult situations.
Krista said…
Hi! I'm Krista, and I found you via Mr. Fob, who I found via "next blog" and have been reading both for a while now. I really enjoy your writing!

Happy Blog Day!!!
Mary said…
Happy blogday!! Here is my line of connection: Benac.com -> Hollywood Flakes -> Silly Marie -> Master Fob -> FoxyJ.

I started following your blog about a year ago. What can I say... I am rooting for you… I admire you… I have been moved and inspired by your challenges and insights… You have beautiful children… I like your book recommendations… I hope you find the perfect job… Keep blogging!

All the best to you.
foxy- i don't remember the exact moment i found your blog, but i've been reading for a little while and i just want you to know i admire your strength and sheer will-power to get so many things done even when the adversary is pounding at your door. Your blog is always one I look forward to reading and I do enjoy it greatly. Happy Blog-day!
Zillah said…
I've been reading for quite a while, and am constantly impressed by your strength. Found you through Melyngoch, actually.
Anonymous said…
I found you through Master Fob, and I found him through Tolkien Boy, Melyngoch, or Ambrosia (maybe all of them). I had heard about the FOB writing group from the aforementioned friends, so really, I feel like I almost know you guys, even though we've never actually met.
erin said…
Ambrosia, I think. But I knew who you were anyway because you applied to be a Board writer, and I've met you at parties hosted by editorgirl.

Anonymous said…
Happy Blog-day! This is your old roommate Emily. I've been reading your blog for the full two years, ever since you sent me the email with the link on 6/24/2005. Yes, I still have the email. You truly are amazing and I'm so glad that we ended up in the dorms together our freshman year. You've taught me a lot as roommates, and as I've read what you've gone through in the past two years. You have grace under pressure and are a wonderful person.
Anonymous said…
I've been reading a long time - ever since Miss Hass revealed her blog to me - so I guess it's time I introduce myself here! Happy Blog-day, and good luck with your job search.
Nectar said…
I hope you get a lot of responses.

I think Ambrosia introduced me to the blog world, but I don't really know any of you except through your blogs.

I read some of your blog months ago, then recently got caught up. I was surprised to learn of the changes in your life.
Katria said…
I don't think I qualify as a lurker, but I found your blog through TB's blog through a mutual friend's blog. Yep. That's about it.

Happy blog-day!
The Weed said…
Lurker I am not, but I found your blog through Mr. Fob's.
Kengo Biddles said…
I'm not a lurker either, but I found you through the MoQueerosphere and through the FOX13 newsreport. (Hated the reporter, BTW.)
Earth Sign Mama said…
Found your blog...when you started. Love your writing, love your thinking. I agree that you have adorable children. And your ability to keep on going until you get successfully to the other side of a problem is a character trait that has impressed me for nearly three decades. Happy Blog Day!
JB said…
I found you through Master Fob's blog. I really like the things you write about and the way you write them. :)
Christian said…
I'm not quite sure how I feel about you being Queen of the Universe, what with me already claiming the title of Ruler of the Universe. Where do we separate our dominions?

Regardless, happy blogday. :)
Frau Magister said…
I suppose I'm a lurker - I've started reading your blog from a link in one of Venom's posts and liked your writing style. Happy Bloggy-Day and here's wishing you Queen of the Universe.
Anonymous said…
Lurker here. I found your blog through Master Fobs, which I found through a link to the Utah Trib. article on Blurbomat. I also really enjoy your writing and your strength is inspiring.
Jenny said…
Happy Blogday! I think I've been reading your blog for almost two years now and I never even attended a blog party. I'm lame. I think I found your blog through Singing Cicada's blog. Or Nemesis told me about you. Or both. Can't even remember anymore.
Kristeee said…
Happy BlogDay! I have to say, I'm glad that you decided to start blogging. I love how you share your feelings and experiences in an intelligent, witty, down-to-earth way. You're the kind of person I'd want to be friends with in real life, and hope that your next blog year will bring happier changes in your life.
mitchgib said…
Hi ! I'm a new blogger, only hitting the keys for a few months. I hit that stupid "Next Blog" button sometimes looking for people with blogs that interest me. Most of the time I get chinese girls and porn-sorry, eewww. But you made my day today. I found probably the only other person in the world that knows about "The Yellow Wallpaper". One of those stories that have stuck in my head for years. Also a great Masterpiece Theatre I may add !
Keep on blogging !
You have given me hope !
TheMoncurs said…
I de lurked on Nemesis' blog for her Blogday, so I guess I'll do it here too!

I'm not sure how I found your blog..a board writer (Novel Concept) was my freshman roommate and then her blog had all these links that opened a whole world of blogs that eventually led me here.

I'll be honest, I was absolutely shocked when you blogged about the separation (after reading "Getting Out" I was totally rooting for you guys) and I kind of wanted to say something, but felt awkward since, ya know, lurker commenting on your personal life=kinda awkward. So, here's my chance. You're a really incredible person. The way you're handling a really tough situation is incredible. I'm convinced that you could handle the end of the world with a totally calm and logical attitude. You're a lot stronger than most people I know and I'm sure everyone around you really appreciates it.

Anyway, happy blogday! Here's to many more.

Nemesis said…
I'm not an absolute lurker either, but I don't comment as often as I should do--does that count?

I have no idea how I ended up on your site but I'm glad I did. -)
Mrs. Hass-Bark said…

I found you through Th., I think. And then Melyngoch and I discovered each other at church and then I realized that we had taken that gosh awful class with Ann Mella together back in the day at BYU. The blog world is very small.
Anonymous said…
Happy blog day! You are amazing. I found your blog through mr. fob's who I found through editorgirl's whose brother my best friend is writing on his mission...
Anonymous said…
Yes, I'm definitely a lurker. On many blogs, actually, and this is the first I've ever commented on. I found your blog through Queen Zippergut whom I used to work with at the WSC.
I've left at least one comment on your blog, but I mostly lurk. I think I found you through AtP, whom I found via Elizabeth-W, whom I found via...who knows where. Your writing is beautiful and your kiddos are adorable. I admire the strength you are demonstrating right now. Best of everything as you work your way through.
Natalie Gordon said…
I am a regular reader and occasional poster. I found you through daltongirl. I think you are a wonderful mother, and I've gotten some great advice from your blog! I feel honored to have a blogs-eye view of your life.
Melyngoch said…
I found you when you emailed me your blog website. At the time I thought "Do I know what a blog is?" But eventually I did.

Happy Blogday. May your comments exceed 52.
TK said…
Well, you know how I found you, but I thought I add to your statistics so you can be Queen. :)

As I read the comments, I thought, this is kinda like reading the comments in an old yearbook, huh!
TK said…
I'm always amazed at the poor English I read, written in various places! And then I re-read the comment I just wrote! I meant to say 'I thought I'd add' . . .

And that's the second time today I caught something - after I'd already published or emailed it!

And now you're 2 comments closer to being Queen! :)
Becca said…
I found your blog through Melyngoch's blog, after she had told me about you and Master Fob when both Mel and Katya were visiting.
skyeJ said…
I found you... looking at me when I burst forth from the fertile loins of our dear mother. Well. I actually don't remember that. I do remember you throwing up in the bed we used to share when we were really little. It got in your hair. yay Blog birthday!!! Yaay!!!
Anonymous said…
I'm not sure how I found your blog, but it seems pretty obvious that it was through the Weeds. Happy blogday to you! Aaaand--I've always liked the title of your blog. That's all.
FoxyJ said…
Ha ha, Skye. I remember you peeing in the bed we shared and I ended up sleeping on the couch :)
Th. said…

I'm sorry I missed this:let me get you one closer to the record.
Kari said…
Okay, this is WAAAAAAYYY late but I wanted you to have another comment because you are Queen of the World! Loved the newsletter!

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