
Since editorgirl recently posted about guilt, I thought I would as well. Tomorrow is the last day of the month and I haven't done my visiting teaching. I just got a new companion, and in general I am grateful for it, especially after some of the experiences we had together. However, the transition has been difficult because she was a very motivated person and always got things set up or reminded me to set them up each month. I really do enjoy visiting teaching and I like the people we visit, but I also have a serious problem with phone anxiety. So, a few weeks ago my new companion called me up to let me know when she was available and all that jazz. I told her I would make the phone calls, since I already know the women we visit. Well, I never did make the phone calls or I would forget about them until late at night. So I just felt dumber and dumber until nothing happened. And I've never called my companion back to tell her what was going on. So now she thinks I'm a flake, and the people visit think I'm a flake for not getting to them this month. Yuck. I think I need to go eat some cake and ice cream.


Tolkien Boy said…
I hate the phone. I never know what to say, and when I get to the end of a tete-a-tete, I feel like I should shake hands and the phone's a cold fish.
Mrs. Hass-Bark said…
Ah yes, welcome to my world. I always manage to feel guilty about VT, even when I'm doing it. I think there's no hope for me.
Amy said…
Wow - I feel like I could have written this post, almost word for word. I am convinced that the telephone is the only reason I am not an absolutely spectacular visiting teacher.

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